AmesHousing (version 0.0.3)

make_ames: Create a Processed Version of the Ames Housing Data


Create a Processed Version of the Ames Housing Data






A tibble with the data.


For the processed version, the exact details can be found in the code of make_ames but a summary of the differences between these data sets and ames_raw is:

  • All factors are unordered.

  • PID and Order are removed.

  • Spaces and special characters in column names where changed to snake case. To be consistent, SalePrice was changed to Sale_Price.

  • Many factor levels were changed to be more understandable (e.g. Split_or_Multilevel instead of 080)

  • Many missing values were reset. For example, if the variable Bsmt_Qual was missing, this implies that there is no basement on the property. Instead of a missing value, the value of Bsmt_Qual was changed to No_Basement. Similarly, numeric data pertaining to basements were set to zero where appropriate such as variables Bsmt_Full_Bath and Total_Bsmt_SF.

  • Garage_Yr_Blt contained many missing data and was removed.

  • Approximate longitude and latitude are included for the properties. Also, note that there are 6 properties with identical geotags. These are units within the same building. For some properties, updated versions of the PID identifiers were found and are replaced with new values.

make_ordinal_ames is the same as make_ames but many factor variables were changed to class ordered (see below).

The documentation for ames_raw() contains descriptions of the columns although, as noted above, the column names in ames_raw() are slightly different from the processed versions.


Run this code
ames <- make_ames()

ames_ord <- make_ordinal_ames()
ord_vars <- vapply(ames_ord, is.ordered, logical(1))
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab