AnnotationHub (version 2.4.2)

AnnotationHubRecipes-package: Transform public data resources into Bioconductor Data Structures ~~ package title ~~


These recipes convert a wide variety and a growing number of public bioinformatic data sets into easily-used standard Bioconductor data structures.



ll{ Package: AnnotationHubRecipes Type: Package Version: 1.0 Date: 2012-11-30 License: Artistic-2.0 } This package provides a set of methods which convert bioinformatic data resources into standard Bioconductor data types. For example, a UCSC genome browser track, expressed as a BED file, is converted into a GRanges object. Not every valuable data resource can be transformed quite so easily; some require more elaborate transformation, and hence a more specialized recipe. Every effort is made to limit the number of recipes required. One strategy that helps with the principle of "zero curation": unless absolutely required, the "cooked" version of the data resource produced by a recipe is a simple and unembellished reflection of the original data in its downloaded form.