AzureAuth (version 1.1.0)

get_azure_token: Manage Azure Active Directory OAuth 2.0 tokens


These functions extend the OAuth functionality in httr for use with Azure Active Directory (AAD).


get_azure_token(resource, tenant, app, password = NULL,
  username = NULL, certificate = NULL, auth_type = NULL,
  aad_host = "", version = 1,
  authorize_args = list(), token_args = list(), on_behalf_of = NULL)

delete_azure_token(resource, tenant, app, password = NULL, username = NULL, certificate = NULL, auth_type = NULL, aad_host = "", version = 1, authorize_args = list(), token_args = list(), on_behalf_of = NULL, hash = NULL, confirm = TRUE)

clean_token_directory(confirm = TRUE)


token_hash(resource, tenant, app, password = NULL, username = NULL, certificate = NULL, auth_type = NULL, aad_host = "", version = 1, authorize_args = list(), token_args = list(), on_behalf_of = NULL)






For AAD v1.0, the URL of your resource host, or a GUID. For AAD v2.0, a character vector of scopes, each consisting of a URL or GUID along with a path designating the access scope. See 'Details' below.


Your tenant. This can be a name ("myaadtenant"), a fully qualified domain name ("" or ""), or a GUID.


The client/app ID to use to authenticate with.


The password, either for the app, or your username if supplied. See 'Details' below.


Your AAD username, if using the resource owner grant. See 'Details' below.


A file containing the certificate for authenticating with, an Azure Key Vault certificate object, or a call to the cert_assertion function to build a client assertion with a certificate. See 'Certificate authentication' below.


The authentication type. See 'Details' below.


URL for your AAD host. For the public Azure cloud, this is Change this if you are using a government or private cloud. Can also be a full URL, eg


The AAD version, either 1 or 2.


An optional list of further parameters for the AAD authorization endpoint. These will be included in the request URI as query parameters. Only used if auth_type="authorization_code".


An optional list of further parameters for the token endpoint. These will be included in the body of the request.


For the on-behalf-of authentication type, a token. This should be either an AzureToken object, or a string containing the JWT-encoded token itself.


The MD5 hash of this token, computed from the above inputs. Used by delete_azure_token to identify a cached token to delete.


For delete_azure_token, whether to prompt for confirmation before deleting a token.


For is_azure_token, is_azure_v1_token and is_azure_v2_token, an R object.


For get_azure_token, an object of class either AzureTokenV1 or AzureTokenV2 depending on whether the token is for AAD v1.0 or v2.0. For list_azure_tokens, a list of such objects retrieved from disk.

Authentication methods

  1. Using the authorization_code method is a multi-step process. First, get_azure_token opens a login window in your browser, where you can enter your AAD credentials. In the background, it loads the httpuv package to listen on a local port. Once you have logged in, the AAD server redirects your browser to a local URL that contains an authorization code. get_azure_token retrieves this authorization code and sends it to the AAD access endpoint, which returns the OAuth token.

  2. The device_code method is similar in concept to authorization_code, but is meant for situations where you are unable to browse the Internet -- for example if you don't have a browser installed or your computer has input constraints. First, get_azure_token contacts the AAD devicecode endpoint, which responds with a login URL and an access code. You then visit the URL and enter the code, possibly using a different computer. Meanwhile, get_azure_token polls the AAD access endpoint for a token, which is provided once you have entered the code.

  3. The client_credentials method is much simpler than the above methods, requiring only one step. get_azure_token contacts the access endpoint, passing it either the app secret or the certificate assertion (which you supply in the password or certificate argument respectively). Once the credentials are verified, the endpoint returns the token. This is the method typically used by service accounts.

  4. The resource_owner method also requires only one step. In this method, get_azure_token passes your (personal) username and password to the AAD access endpoint, which validates your credentials and returns the token.

  5. The on_behalf_of method is used to authenticate with an Azure resource by passing a token obtained beforehand. It is mostly used by intermediate apps to authenticate for users. In particular, you can use this method to obtain tokens for multiple resources, while only requiring the user to authenticate once: see the examples below.

If the authentication method is not specified, it is chosen based on the presence or absence of the other arguments, and whether httpuv is installed.

The httpuv package must be installed to use the authorization_code method, as this requires a web server to listen on the (local) redirect URI. See httr::oauth2.0_token for more information; note that Azure does not support the use_oob feature of the httr OAuth 2.0 token class.

Similarly, since the authorization_code method opens a browser to load the AAD authorization page, your machine must have an Internet browser installed that can be run from inside R. In particular, if you are using a Linux Data Science Virtual Machine in Azure, you may run into difficulties; use one of the other methods instead.

Certificate authentication

OAuth tokens can be authenticated via an SSL/TLS certificate, which is considered more secure than a client secret. To do this, use the certificate argument, which can contain any of the following:

  • The name of a PEM or PFX file, containing both the private key and the public certificate.

  • A certificate object from the AzureKeyVault package, representing a cert stored in the Key Vault service.

  • A call to the cert_assertion() function to customise details of the requested token, eg the duration, expiry date, custom claims, etc. See the examples below.


AzureAuth differs from httr in its handling of token caching in a number of ways. First, caching is based on all the inputs to get_azure_token as listed above. Second, it defines its own directory for cached tokens, using the rappdirs package. On recent Windows versions, this will usually be in the location C:\Users\(username)\AppData\Local\AzureR. On Linux, it will be in ~/.config/AzureR, and on MacOS, it will be in ~/Library/Application Support/AzureR. Note that a single directory is used for all tokens, and the working directory is not touched (which significantly lessens the risk of accidentally introducing cached tokens into source control).

To list all cached tokens on disk, use list_azure_tokens. This returns a list of token objects, named according to their MD5 hashes.

To delete a cached token, use delete_azure_token. This takes the same inputs as get_azure_token, or you can specify the MD5 hash directly in the hash argument.

To delete all cached tokens, use clean_token_directory.


get_azure_token does much the same thing as httr::oauth2.0_token(), but customised for Azure. It obtains an OAuth token, first by checking if a cached value exists on disk, and if not, acquiring it from the AAD server. delete_azure_token deletes a cached token, and list_azure_tokens lists currently cached tokens.

The resource arg should be a single URL or GUID for AAD v1.0, and a vector of scopes for AAD v2.0. The latter consist of a URL or a GUID, along with a path that designates the scope. If a v2.0 scope doesn't have a path, get_azure_token will append the /.default path with a warning. A special scope is offline_access, which requests a refresh token from AAD along with the access token: without this scope, you will have to reauthenticate if you want to refresh the token.

For B2C logins, the aad_host argument can be a full URL including the tenant and arbitrary path components, but excluding the specific endpoint.

token_hash computes the MD5 hash of its arguments. This is used by AzureAuth to identify tokens for caching purposes.

Note that tokens are only cached if you allowed AzureAuth to create a data directory at package startup.

One particular use of the authorize_args argument is to specify a different redirect URI to the default; see the examples below.

See Also

AzureToken, httr::oauth2.0_token, httr::Token, cert_assertion

Azure Active Directory for developers, Device code flow on, OAuth 2.0 RFC for the gory details on how OAuth works


Run this code
# authenticate with Azure Resource Manager:
# no user credentials are supplied, so this will use the authorization_code
# method if httpuv is installed, and device_code if not
get_azure_token("", tenant="mytenant", app="app_id")

# you can force a specific authentication method with the auth_type argument
get_azure_token("", tenant="mytenant", app="app_id",

# to default to the client_credentials method, supply the app secret as the password
get_azure_token("", tenant="mytenant", app="app_id",

# authenticate to your resource with the resource_owner method: provide your username and password
get_azure_token("https://myresource/", tenant="mytenant", app="app_id",
    username="user", password="abcdefg")

# obtaining multiple tokens: authenticate (interactively) once...
tok0 <- get_azure_token("serviceapp_id", tenant="mytenant", app="clientapp_id",
# ...then get tokens for each resource (Resource Manager and MS Graph) with on_behalf_of
tok1 <- get_azure_token("", tenant="mytenant," app="serviceapp_id",
    password="serviceapp_secret", on_behalf_of=tok0)
tok2 <- get_azure_token("", tenant="mytenant," app="serviceapp_id",
    password="serviceapp_secret", on_behalf_of=tok0)

# use a different redirect URI to the default localhost:1410
get_azure_token("", tenant="mytenant", app="app_id",

# request an AAD v1.0 token for Resource Manager (the default)
token1 <- get_azure_token("", "mytenant", "app_id")

# same request to AAD v2.0, along with a refresh token
token2 <- get_azure_token(c("", "offline_access"),
    "mytenant", "app_id", version=2)

# list saved tokens

# delete a saved token from disk
delete_azure_token(resource="https://myresource/", tenant="mytenant", app="app_id",
    username="user", password="abcdefg")

# delete a saved token by specifying its MD5 hash

# authenticating for B2C logins (custom AAD host)
get_azure_token("", "mytenant", "app_id", "password",

# authenticating with a certificate
get_azure_token("", "mytenant", "app_id",

# authenticating with a certificate stored in Azure Key Vault
cert <- AzureKeyVault::key_vault("myvault")$certificates$get("mycert")
get_azure_token("", "mytenant", "app_id",

# get a token valid for 2 hours (default is 1 hour)
get_azure_token("", "mytenant", "app_id",
    certificate=cert_assertion("mycert.pem", duration=2*3600)

# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataCamp Workspace