AzureML (version 0.2.15)

publishWebService: Publish a function as a Microsoft Azure Web Service.


Publish a function to Microsoft Azure Machine Learning as a web service. The web service created is a standard Azure ML web service, and can be used from any web or mobile platform as long as the user knows the API key and URL. The function to be published is limited to inputs/outputs consisting of lists of scalar values or single data frames (see the notes below and examples). Requires a zip program to be installed (see note below).


publishWebService(ws, fun, name, inputSchema, outputSchema,
  data.frame = FALSE, export = character(0), noexport = character(0),
  packages, version = "3.1.0", serviceId, host = ws$.management_endpoint,
  .retry = 3)

updateWebService(ws, fun, name, inputSchema, outputSchema, data.frame = FALSE, export = character(0), noexport = character(0), packages, version = "3.1.0", serviceId, host = ws$.management_endpoint, .retry = 3)



An AzureML workspace reference returned by workspace.


a function to publish; the function must have at least one argument.


name of the new web service; ignored when serviceId is specified (when updating an existing web service).


either a list of fun input parameters and their AzureML types formatted as list("arg1"="type", "arg2"="type", ...), or an example input data frame when fun takes a single data frame argument; see the note below for details.


list of fun outputs and AzureML types, formatted as list("output1"="type", "output2"="type", ...), optional when inputSchema is an example input data frame.


TRUE indicates that the function fun accepts a data frame as input and returns a data frame output; automatically set to TRUE when inputSchema is a data frame.


optional character vector of variable names to explicitly export in the web service for use by the function. See the note below.


optional character vector of variable names to prevent from exporting in the web service.


optional character vector of R packages to bundle in the web service, including their dependencies.


optional R version string for required packages (the version of R running in the AzureML Web Service).


optional Azure web service ID; use to update an existing service (see Note below).


optional Azure regional host, defaulting to the global management_endpoint set in workspace


number of tries before failing


A data.frame describing the new service endpoints, cf. endpoints. The output can be directly used by the consume function.

See Also

endpoints, discoverSchema, consume and services.

Other publishing functions: deleteWebService, workspace


Run this code
# Use a default configuration in ~/.azureml, alternatively
# see help for `?workspace`.

ws <- workspace()
# Publish a simple model using the lme4::sleepdata ---------------------------

train <- sleepstudy[sample(nrow(sleepstudy), 120),]
m <- lm(Reaction ~ Days + Subject, data = train)

# Deine a prediction function to publish based on the model:
sleepyPredict <- function(newdata){
  predict(m, newdata=newdata)

ep <- publishWebService(ws, fun = sleepyPredict, name="sleepy lm",
                        inputSchema = sleepstudy,

# OK, try this out, and compare with raw data
ans <- consume(ep, sleepstudy)$ans
plot(ans, sleepstudy$Reaction)

# Remove the service
deleteWebService(ws, "sleepy lm")

# Another data frame example -------------------------------------------------

# If your function can consume a whole data frame at once, you can also
# supply data in that form, resulting in more efficient computation.
# The following example builds a simple linear model on a subset of the
# airquality data and publishes a prediction function based on the model.
m <- lm(Ozone ~ ., data=airquality[sample(nrow(airquality), 100),])
# Define a prediction function based on the model:
fun <- function(newdata)
  predict(m, newdata=newdata)
# Note the definition of inputSchema and use of the data.frame argument.
ep <- publishWebService(ws, fun=fun, name="Ozone",
                        inputSchema = airquality,
ans <- consume(ep, airquality)$ans
plot(ans, airquality$Ozone)
deleteWebService(ws, "Ozone")

# Train a model using diamonds in ggplot2 ------------------------------------
# This example also demonstrates how to deal with factor in the data

data(diamonds, package="ggplot2")
train_idx =, 30000)
test_idx = sample(setdiff(seq(1, nrow(diamonds)), train_idx), 500)
train <- diamonds[train_idx, ]
test  <- diamonds[test_idx, ]

model <- glm(price ~ carat + clarity + color + cut - 1, data = train, 
             family = Gamma(link = "log"))

diamondLevels <- diamonds[1, ]

# The model works reasonably well, except for some outliers
plot(exp(predict(model, test)) ~ test$price)

# Create a prediction function that converts characters correctly to factors

predictDiamonds <- function(x){
  x$cut     <- factor(x$cut,     
                      levels = levels(diamondLevels$cut), ordered = TRUE)
  x$clarity <- factor(x$clarity, 
                      levels = levels(diamondLevels$clarity), ordered = TRUE)
  x$color   <- factor(x$color,   
                      levels = levels(diamondLevels$color), ordered = TRUE)
  exp(predict(model, newdata = x))

# Publish the service

ws <- workspace()
ep <- publishWebService(ws, fun = predictDiamonds, name = "diamonds",
                        inputSchema = test,
                        data.frame = TRUE

# Consume the service
results <- consume(ep, test)$ans
plot(results ~ test$price)

deleteWebService(ws, "diamonds")

# Simple example using scalar input ------------------------------------------

ws <- workspace()

# Really simple example:
add <- function(x,y) x + y
endpoint <- publishWebService(ws, 
                              fun = add, 
                              name = "addme", 
                              inputSchema = list(x="numeric", 
                              outputSchema = list(ans="numeric"))
consume(endpoint, list(x=pi, y=2))

# Now remove the web service named "addme" that we just published
deleteWebService(ws, "addme")

# Send a custom R function for evaluation in AzureML -------------------------

# A neat trick to evaluate any expression in the Azure ML virtual
# machine R session and view its output:
ep <- publishWebService(ws, 
                        fun =  function(expr) {
                            eval(parse(text=expr))), collapse="\n")
                        inputSchema = list(x = "character"),
                        outputSchema = list(ans = "character"))
cat(consume(ep, list(x = "getwd()"))$ans)
cat(consume(ep, list(x = ".packages(all=TRUE)"))$ans)
cat(consume(ep, list(x = "R.Version()"))$ans)

# Remove the service we just published
deleteWebService(ws, "commander")

# Understanding the scoping rules --------------------------------------------

# The following example illustrates scoping rules. Note that the function
# refers to the variable y defined outside the function body. That value
# will be exported with the service.
y <- pi
ep <- publishWebService(ws, 
                        fun = function(x) x + y, 
                        name = "lexical scope",
                        inputSchema = list(x = "numeric"), 
                        outputSchema = list(ans = "numeric"))
cat(consume(ep, list(x=2))$ans)

# Remove the service we just published
deleteWebService(ws, "lexical scope")

# Demonstrate scalar inputs but sending a data frame for scoring -------------

# Example showing the use of consume to score all the rows of a data frame
# at once, and other invocations for evaluating multiple sets of input
# values. The columns of the data frame correspond to the input parameters
# of the web service in this example:
f <- function(a,b,c,d) list(sum = a+b+c+d, prod = a*b*c*d)
ep <-  publishWebService(ws, 
                         name = "rowSums",
                         inputSchema = list(
                           a = "numeric", 
                           b = "numeric", 
                           c = "numeric", 
                           d = "numeric"
                         outputSchema = list(
                           sum ="numeric", 
                           prod = "numeric")
x <- head(iris[,1:4])  # First four columns of iris

# Note the following will FAIL because of a name mismatch in the arguments
# (with an informative error):
consume(ep, x, retryDelay=1)
# We need the columns of the data frame to match the inputSchema:
names(x) <- letters[1:4]
# Now we can evaluate all the rows of the data frame in one call:
consume(ep, x)
# output should look like:
#    sum    prod
# 1 10.2   4.998
# 2  9.5   4.116
# 3  9.4  3.9104
# 4  9.4   4.278
# 5 10.2    5.04
# 6 11.4 14.3208

# You can use consume to evaluate just a single set of input values with this
# form:
consume(ep, a=1, b=2, c=3, d=4)

# or, equivalently,
consume(ep, list(a=1, b=2, c=3, d=4))

# You can evaluate multiple sets of input values with a data frame input:
consume(ep, data.frame(a=1:2, b=3:4, c=5:6, d=7:8))

# or, equivalently, with multiple lists:
consume(ep, list(a=1, b=3, c=5, d=7), list(a=2, b=4, c=6, d=8))

# Remove the service we just published
deleteWebService(ws, "rowSums")

# A more efficient way to do the same thing using data frame input/output:
f <- function(df) with(df, list(sum = a+b+c+d, prod = a*b*c*d))
ep = publishWebService(ws, f, name="rowSums2", 
                       inputSchema = data.frame(a = 0, b = 0, c = 0, d = 0))
consume(ep, data.frame(a=1:2, b=3:4, c=5:6, d=7:8))
deleteWebService(ws, "rowSums2")

# Automatically discover dependencies ----------------------------------------

# The publishWebService function uses `miniCRAN` to include dependencies on
# packages required by your function. The next example uses the `lmer`
# function from the lme4 package, and also shows how to publish a function
# that consumes a data frame by setting data.frame=TRUE.  Note! This example
# depends on a lot of packages and may take some time to upload to Azure.
# Build a sample mixed effects model on just a subset of the sleepstudy data...
m <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject), 
          data=sleepstudy[sample(nrow(sleepstudy), 120),])
# Deine a prediction function to publish based on the model:
fun <- function(newdata)
  predict(m, newdata=newdata)
ep <- publishWebService(ws, fun=fun, name="sleepy lmer",
                        inputSchema= sleepstudy,

# OK, try this out, and compare with raw data
ans = consume(ep, sleepstudy)$ans
plot(ans, sleepstudy$Reaction)

# Remove the service
deleteWebService(ws, "sleepy lmer")
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab