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BAMMtools (version 2.1.12)

BAMMtools: BAMMtools


An R package for the analysis and visualization of complex macroevolutionary dynamics. Functions in BAMMtools are oriented entirely around analysis of results obtained using the BAMM software (http://bamm-project.org/).



Dan Rabosky, Mike Grundler, Pascal Title, Jonathan Mitchell, Carlos Anderson, Jeff Shi, Joseph Brown, Huateng Huang



Rabosky, D., M. Grundler, C. Anderson, P. Title, J. Shi, J. Brown, H. Huang and J. Larson. 2014. BAMMtools: an R package for the analysis of evolutionary dynamics on phylogenetic trees. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 5: 701-707.

Rabosky, D. L. 2014. Automatic detection of key innovations, rate shifts, and diversity-dependence on phylogenetic trees. PLoS ONE 9: e89543.

Shi, J. J., and D. L. Rabosky. 2015. Speciation dynamics during the global radiation of extant bats. Evolution 69: 1528-1545.

Rabosky, D. L., F. Santini, J. T. Eastman, S. A. Smith, B. L. Sidlauskas, J. Chang, and M. E. Alfaro. 2013. Rates of speciation and morphological evolution are correlated across the largest vertebrate radiation. Nature Communications DOI: 10.1038/ncomms2958.

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