BDgraph (version 2.72)

reinis: Risk factors of coronary heart disease


The dataset consist of \(6\) discrete variables as the potential risk factors of coronary heart disease. The data collected from \(1841\) men employed of a car factory in Czechoslovakia (Reinis et al. 1981).


data( reinis )



The format is a matrix with \(1841\) rows (number of individuals) and \(6\) column (number of variables).


Edwards and Havranek (1985). A fast procedure for model search in multidimensional contingency tables, Biometrika, 72:339-351

Reinis et al (1981). Prognostic significance of the risk profile in the prevention of coronary heart disease, Bratis. lek. Listy, 76:137-150

Mohammadi, A. and Dobra, A. (2017). The R Package BDgraph for Bayesian Structure Learning in Graphical Models, ISBA Bulletin, 24(4):11-16


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data( reinis )

summary( reinis )

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