BGData (version 2.1.0)

initialize,BGData-method: Creates a New BGData Instance.


This method is run when a '>BGData object is created using BGData(...) or new("BGData", ...).


# S4 method for BGData
initialize(.Object, geno, pheno, map)



The '>BGData instance to be initialized. This argument is passed in by R and can be ignored, but still needs to be documented.


A '>geno object that contains genotypes. '>geno is a class union of several matrix-like types, many of them suitable for very large datasets. Currently supported are LinkedMatrix::LinkedMatrix, BEDMatrix::BEDMatrix, bigmemory::big.matrix, ff_matrix, and matrix.


A data.frame that contains phenotypes. A stub that only contains an IID column populated with the rownames of @geno will be generated if missing.


A data.frame that contains a genetic map. A stub that only contains a mrk column populated with the colnames of @geno will be generated if missing.