BiocManager (version 1.30.4)

install: Install or update Bioconductor, CRAN, and GitHub packages


The BiocManager::install() function installs or updates Bioconductor and CRAN packages in a Bioconductor release. Upgrading to a new Bioconductor release may require additional steps; see


install(pkgs = character(), ..., site_repository = character(),
  update = TRUE, ask = TRUE, version = BiocManager::version())



character() vector of package names to install or update. A missing value updates installed packages according to update = and ask =. Package names containing a '/' are treated as GitHub repositories and installed using remotes::install_github().


Additional arguments used by install.packages().


(Optional) character(1) vector representing an additional repository in which to look for packages to install. This repository will be prepended to the default repositories (which you can see with BiocManager::repositories()).


logical(1). When FALSE, BiocManager::install() does not attempt to update old packages. When TRUE, update old packages according to ask.


logical(1) indicating whether to prompt user before installed packages are updated. If TRUE, user can choose whether to update all outdated packages without further prompting, to pick packages to update, or to cancel updating (in a non-interactive session, no packages will be updated unless ask = FALSE).


character(1) Bioconductor version to install, e.g., version = "3.8". The special symbol version = "devel" installs the current 'development' version.


BiocManager::install() returns the pkgs argument, invisibly.


Installation of Bioconductor and CRAN packages use R's standard functions for library management -- install.packages(), available.packages(), update.packages(). Installation of GitHub packages uses the remotes::install_github().

When installing CRAN or Bioconductor packages, typical arguments include: lib.loc, passed to old.packages() and used to determine the library location of installed packages to be updated; and lib, passed to install.packages() to determine the library location where pkgs are to be installed.

When installing GitHub packages, ... is passed to the remotes package functions install_github() and remotes:::install(). A typical use is to build vignettes, via dependencies=TRUE, build_vignettes=TRUE.

BIOCONDUCTOR_ONLINE_VERSION_DIAGNOSIS is an environment variable or global options() which, when set to FALSE, avoids the R and Bioconductor version checks that are done by querying an online configuration file. Setting BIOCONDUCTOR_ONLINE_VERSION_DIAGNOSIS to FALSE can speed package loading when internet access is slow or non-existent, but may result in out-of-date information about the current release and development versions of Bioconductor.

See Also

BiocManager::repositories() returns the Bioconductor and CRAN repositories used by install().

install.packages() installs the packages themselves (used by BiocManager::install internally).

update.packages() updates all installed packages (used by BiocManager::install internally).

chooseBioCmirror() allows choice of a mirror from all public Bioconductor mirrors.

chooseCRANmirror() allows choice of a mirror from all public CRAN mirrors.


Run this code
# }
## update previously installed packages

## install Bioconductor packages, and prompt to update all
## installed packages
BiocManager::install(c("GenomicRanges", "edgeR"))

## install a CRAN and Bioconductor packages:
BiocManager::install(c("survival", "SummarizedExperiment"))

## install a package from source:
BiocManager::install("IRanges", type="source")
# }
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab