BiocParallel (version 1.0.3)

bpiterate: Parallel iteration over an indeterminate number of data chunks


bpiterate iterates over an indeterminate number of data chunks (e.g., records in a file). Each chunk is processed by parallel workers in an asynchronous fashion; as each worker finishes it recieves a new chunk. Data are traversed a single time.


bpiterate(ITER, FUN, ..., BPPARAM=bpparam())
"bpiterate"(ITER, FUN, ..., BPPARAM=bpparam())
"bpiterate"(ITER, FUN, ..., BPPARAM=bpparam())


A function with no arguments that returns an object to process, generally a chunk of data from a file. When no objects are left (i.e., end of file) it should return NULL and continue to return NULL reguardless of the number of times it is invoked after reaching the end of file. This function is run on the master.
A function to process the object returned by ITER; run on parallel workers separate from the master. When BPPARAM is a MulticoreParam, FUN is `decorated` with additional arguments and therefore must have ... in the signature.
An optional BiocParallelParam instance determining the parallel back-end to be used during evaluation, or a list of BiocParallelParam instances, to be applied in sequence for nested calls to bpiterate.

Currently only MulticoreParam is supported for bpiterate.

Arguments to other methods, specifically named arguments for FUN, or REDUCE or init.

  • REDUCE: Optional function that combines (reduces) output from FUN. As each worker returns, the data are combined with the REDUCE function. REDUCE takes 2 arguments; one is the current result and the other is the output of FUN from a worker that just finished. Currently not supported on Windows.

  • init: Optional initial value for REDUCE; must be of the same type as the object returned from FUN. When supplied, is set to TRUE.
  • Logical. When TRUE, REDUCE is applied to the results from the workers in the same order the tasks were sent out.
  • Value

    list of output type specified by FUN. When REDUCE is supplied the list is of length 1.


    Currently only MulticoreParam and SerialParam are supported.

    bpiterate iterates through an unknown number of data chunks, dispatching chunks to parallel workers as they become available. In contrast, other bp*apply functions such as codebplapply or bpmapply require the number of data chunks to be specified ahead of time. This quality makes bpiterate useful for iterating through files of unknown length.

    ITER serves up chunks of data until the end of the file is reached at which point it returns NULL. Note that ITER should continue to return NULL reguardless of the number of times it is invoked after reaching the end of the file. FUN is applied to each object (data chunk) returned by ITER.

    See Also


    Run this code
    if (all(require(Rsamtools) && 
            require(RNAseqData.HNRNPC.bam.chr14) &&
            require(GenomicAlignments) &&
            require(ShortRead) &&
            .Platform$OS.type != "windows")) {
      ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      ## Iterating through a BAM file
      ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      ## Select a single file and set 'yieldSize' in the BamFile object.
      fl <- RNAseqData.HNRNPC.bam.chr14_BAMFILES[[1]]
      bf <- BamFile(fl, yieldSize = 300000) 
      ## bamIterator() is initalized with a BAM file and returns a function.
      ## The return function requires no arguments and iterates through the
      ## file returning data chunks the size of yieldSize.
      bamIterator <- function(bf) {
          done <- FALSE
          if (!isOpen( bf))
          function() {
              if (done)
              yld <- readGAlignments(bf) 
              if (length(yld) == 0L) {
                  done <<- TRUE
              } else yld
      ## Initalize the iterator.
      ITER <- bamIterator(bf)
      ## Create a FUN that counts reads in a region of interest.
      roi <- GRanges("chr14", IRanges(seq(19e6, 107e6, by = 10e6), width = 10e6))
      counter <- function(reads, roi, ...) {
          countOverlaps(query = roi, subject = reads)
      ## Create a MulticoreParam and call bpiterate().
      bpparam <- MulticoreParam(workers = 2) 
      res <- bpiterate(ITER, counter, BPPARAM = bpparam, roi = roi)
      ## The result length is the same as the number of data chunks.
      colSums(, res))
      ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      ## Iterating through a FASTA file
      ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      ## Set data chunk size with 'n' in the FastqStreamer object.
      sp <- SolexaPath(system.file('extdata', package = 'ShortRead'))
      fl <- file.path(analysisPath(sp), "s_1_sequence.txt")
      fqs <- FastqStreamer(fl, n = 100)
      ## Create an iterator that returns data chunks the size of 'n'.
      fastqIterator <- function(fqs) {
          done <- FALSE
          if (!isOpen(fqs))
          function() {
              if (done)
              yld <- yield(fqs) 
              if (length(yld) == 0L) {
                  done <<- TRUE
              } else yld
      ## Initialize the iterator.
      ITER <- fastqIterator(fqs)
      ## The processor summarizes the number of times each sequence occurs.
      summary <- function(reads, ...) {
           tables(reads, n = 0)$distribution
      bpparam <- MulticoreParam(workers = 2) 
      bpiterate(ITER, summary, BPPARAM = bpparam)
      ## Results from the workers are combined on the fly when a 
      ## REDUCE function is provided. Collapsing the data in this 
      ## way can substantially reduce memory requirements.
      fqs <- FastqStreamer(fl, n = 100)
      ITER <- fastqIterator(fqs)
      bpiterate(ITER, summary, BPPARAM = bpparam, REDUCE = merge, all = TRUE)
      ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      ## Multiple files
      ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      ## Currently bpiterate() is only implemented for the multi-core
      ## environment (i.e., MulticoreParam). A single machine may not
      ## have enough memory to process multiple files. In this case the
      ## files can be distributed over a snow cluster with bplapply() 
      ## then processed with bpiterate() on each cluster node.
      ## Select a subset of files, create a BamFileList.
      fls <- RNAseqData.HNRNPC.bam.chr14_BAMFILES[1:3]
      bfl <- BamFileList(fls, yieldSize = 200000) 
      ## Cluster size is defined by the number of files.
      snowp <- SnowParam(workers = length(bfl))
      ## Currently bpiterate() is only supported in the multi-core environment
      ## and must use MulticoreParam.
      myFUN <- function(file, bamIterator, counter, ...) {
        library(BiocParallel)  ## for bpiterate
        library(Rsamtools)     ## for Bam file manipulation
        library(GenomicAlignments) ## for readGAlignments
        ITER <- bamIterator(file)
        bpiterate(ITER, counter, BPPARAM = MulticoreParam(workers=2), roi = roi)
      ## Distribute the files across the snow cluster workers with bplapply().
      ## Each cluster node acts as a master and spawns 2 children. 
      res <- bplapply(bfl, myFUN, BPPARM = snowp, bamIterator = bamIterator,
                      counter = counter, roi = roi) 
      ## The result is of length 3 (# of files).
      ## > length(res)
      ## [1] 3
      ## Each list element is of length 5 (# of iterations of size 'yieldSize').
      ## >  elementLengths(res)
      ## ERR127306 ERR127307 ERR127308 
      ##         5         5         5 

    Run the code above in your browser using DataLab