Biostrings (version 2.34.1)

match-utils: Utility functions operating on the matches returned by a high-level matching function


Miscellaneous utility functions operating on the matches returned by a high-level matching function like matchPattern, matchPDict, etc...


mismatch(pattern, x, fixed=TRUE) nmatch(pattern, x, fixed=TRUE) nmismatch(pattern, x, fixed=TRUE) "coverage"(x, shift=0L, width=NULL, weight=1L) "coverage"(x, shift=0L, width=NULL, weight=1L)


The pattern string.
An XStringViews object for mismatch (typically, one returned by matchPattern(pattern, subject)).

An MIndex object for coverage, or any object for which a coverage method is defined. See ?coverage.

shift, width
See ?coverage.
An integer vector specifying how much each element in x counts.


mismatch: a list of integer vectors.nmismatch: an integer vector containing the length of the vectors produced by mismatch.coverage: an Rle object indicating the coverage of x. See ?coverage for the details. If x is an MIndex object, the coverage of a given position in the underlying sequence (typically the subject used during the search that returned x) is the number of matches (or hits) it belongs to.


The mismatch function gives the positions of the mismatching letters of a given pattern relatively to its matches in a given subject.

The nmatch and nmismatch functions give the number of matching and mismatching letters produced by the mismatch function.

The coverage function computes the "coverage" of a subject by a given pattern or set of patterns.

See Also

lowlevel-matching, matchPattern, matchPDict, XString-class, XStringViews-class, MIndex-class, coverage, align-utils


Run this code
  ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## mismatch() / nmismatch()
  ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  subject <- DNAString("ACGTGCA")
  m <- matchPattern("NCA", subject, max.mismatch=1, fixed=FALSE)
  mismatch("NCA", m)
  nmismatch("NCA", m)

  ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## coverage()
  ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------

  ## See ?matchPDict for examples of using coverage() on an MIndex object...

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