DMwR (version 0.4.1)

bestScores: Obtain the best scores from an experimental comparison


This function can be used to obtain the learning systems that obtained the best scores on an experimental comparison. This information will be shown for each of the evaluation statistics involved in the comparison and also for all data sets that were used.


bestScores(compRes, maxs = rep(F, dim(compRes@foldResults)[2]))


A compExp object with the results of your experimental comparison.
A vector of booleans with as many elements are there are statistics measured in the experimental comparison. A True value means the respective statistic is to be maximized, while a False means minimization. Defaults to all False values.


The function returns a list with named components. The components correspond to the data sets used in the experimental comparison. For each component you get a data.frame, where the rows represent the statistics. For each statistic you get the name of the best performer (1st column of the data frame) and the respective score on that statistic (2nd column).


This is a handy function to check what were the best performers in a comparative experiment for each data set and each evaluation metric. The notion of "best performance" depends on the type of evaluation metric, thus the need of the second parameter. Some evaluation statistics are to be maximized (e.g. accuracy), while others are to be minimized (e.g. mean squared error). If you have a mix of these types on your experiment then you can use the maxs parameter to inform the function of which are to be maximized (minimized).


Torgo, L. (2010) Data Mining using R: learning with case studies, CRC Press (ISBN: 9781439810187).

See Also

experimentalComparison, rankSystems, statScores


Run this code
## Estimating several evaluation metrics on different variants of a
## regression tree and of a SVM, on  two data sets, using one repetition
## of  10-fold CV

## First the user defined functions 
cv.rpartXse <- function(form, train, test, ...) {
    t <- rpartXse(form, train, ...)
    p <- predict(t, test)
    mse <- mean((p - resp(form, test))^2)
    c(nmse = mse/mean((mean(resp(form, train)) - resp(form, test))^2), 
        mse = mse)

## run the experimental comparison
results <- experimentalComparison(
               c(dataset(Infant.Mortality ~ ., swiss),
                 dataset(mpg ~ ., mtcars)),
## get the best scores for dataset and statistic

Run the code above in your browser using DataCamp Workspace