DPQ (version 0.5-8)

lgamma1p: Accurate log(gamma(a+1))


Compute $$l\Gamma_1(a) := \log\Gamma(a+1) = \log(a\cdot \Gamma(a)) = \log a + \log \Gamma(a),$$ which is “in principle” the same as log(gamma(a+1)) or lgamma(a+1), accurately also for (very) small \(a\) \((0 < a < 0.5)\).


lgamma1p (a, tol_logcf = 1e-14, f.tol = 1, ...)	
lgamma1p.(a, cutoff.a = 1e-6, k = 3)		
lgamma1p_series(x, k)               		


a numeric vector with the same attributes as a.


a, x

a numeric vector.


for lgamma1p(): a non-negative number passed to logcf() (and log1pmx() which calls logcf()).


numeric (factor) used in log1pmx(*, tol_logcf = f.tol * tol_logcf).


further optional arguments passed on to log1pmx().


for lgamma1p.(): a positive number indicating the cutoff to switch from ...


an integer, the number of terms in the series expansion used internally.


Morten Welinder (C code of Jan 2005, see R's bug issue tools:::Rd_expr_PR(7307)) for lgamma1p().

Martin Maechler, notably for lgamma1p_series() which works with package Rmpfr but otherwise may be much less accurate than Morten's 40 term series!


lgamma1p() is an R translation of the function (in Fortran) in Didonato and Morris (1992) which uses a 40-degree polynomial approximation.

lgamma1p_series(x, k) is Taylor series approximation of order k, (derived via Maple), which is \(-\gamma x + \pi^2 x^2/ 12 + O(x^3)\), where \(\gamma\) is Euler's constant 0.5772156649. ...

lgamma1pC() is an interface to R C API (Mathlib / Rmath.h) function.


Didonato, A. and Morris, A., Jr, (1992) Algorithm 708: Significant digit computation of the incomplete beta function ratios. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 18, 360--373; see also pbeta.

See Also

log1pmx, log1p, pbeta.


Run this code
curve(-log(x*gamma(x)), 1e-30, .8, log="xy", col="gray50", lwd = 3,
      axes = FALSE, ylim = c(1e-30,1))
sfsmisc::eaxis(1); sfsmisc::eaxis(2)
at <- 10^(1-4*(0:8))
abline(h = at, v = at, col = "lightgray", lty = "dotted")
curve(-lgamma( 1+x), add=TRUE, col="red2", lwd=1/2)# underflows even earlier
curve(-lgamma1p (x), add=TRUE, col="blue") -> lgxy
curve(-lgamma1p.(x), add=TRUE, col=adjustcolor("forest green",1/4),
      lwd = 5, lty = 2)
for(k in 1:7)
  curve(-lgamma1p_series(x, k=k), add=TRUE, col=paste0("gray",30+k*8), lty = 3)
stopifnot(with(lgxy, all.equal(y, -lgamma1pC(x))))

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