DPQ (version 0.5-8)

pnbeta: Noncentral Beta Probabilities


pnbetaAppr2() and its inital version pnbetaAppr2v1() provide the “approximation 2” of Chattamvelli and Shanmugam(1997) to the noncentral Beta probability distribution.

pnbetaAS310() is an R level interface to a C translation (and “Rification”) of the AS 310 Fortran implementation.


pnbetaAppr2(x, a, b, ncp = 0, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)

pnbetaAS310(x, a, b, ncp = 0, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE, useAS226 = (ncp < 54.), errmax = 1e-6, itrmax = 100)


a numeric vector of (log) probabilities of the same length as x.



numeric vector (of quantiles), typically from inside \([0,1]\).

a, b

the shape parameters of Beta, aka as shape1 and shape2.


non-centrality parameter.


logical; if TRUE, probabilities p are given as log(p).


logical; if TRUE (default), probabilities are \(P[X \le x]\), otherwise, \(P[X > x]\).


logical specifying if AS 226 (with R84 and R95 amendments) should be used which is said to be sufficient for small ncp. The default ncp < 54 had been hardwired in AS 310.


non-negative number determining convergence for AS 310.


positive integer number, only if(useAS226) is passed to AS 226.


Martin Maechler; pnbetaAppr2() in Oct 2007.


Chattamvelli, R., and Shanmugam, R. (1997) Algorithm AS 310: Computing the Non-Central Beta Distribution Function. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C (Applied Statistics) 46(1), 146--156, for “approximation 2” notably p.154; tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1111/1467-9876.00055").

Lenth, R. V. (1987) Algorithm AS 226, ..., Frick, H. (1990)'s AS R84, ..., and Lam, M.L. (1995)'s AS R95 : See ‘References’ in R's pbeta page.

See Also

R's own pbeta.


Run this code
## Same arguments as for Table 1 (p.151) of the reference
a <- 5*rep(1:3, each=3)
aargs <- cbind(a = a, b = a,
               ncp = rep(c(54, 140, 170), 3),
               x = 1e-4*c(8640, 9000, 9560, 8686, 9000, 9000, 8787, 9000, 9220))
pnbA2 <- apply(aargs, 1, function(aa) do.call(pnbetaAppr2, as.list(aa)))
pnA310<- apply(aargs, 1, function(aa) do.call(pnbetaAS310, as.list(aa)))
aar2 <- aargs; dimnames(aar2)[[2]] <- c(paste0("shape", 1:2), "ncp", "q")
pnbR  <- apply(aar2,  1, function(aa) do.call(pbeta, as.list(aa)))
range(relD2   <- 1 - pnbA2 /pnbR)
range(relD310 <- 1 - pnA310/pnbR)
cbind(aargs, pnbA2, pnA310, pnbR,
      relD2 = signif(relD2, 3), relD310 = signif(relD310, 3)) # <------> Table 1
stopifnot(abs(relD2)   < 0.009) # max is 0.006286
stopifnot(abs(relD310) < 1e-5 ) # max is 6.3732e-6

## Arguments as for Table 2 (p.152) of the reference :
aarg2 <- cbind(a = c( 10, 10, 15, 20, 20, 20, 30, 30),
               b = c( 20, 10,  5, 10, 30, 50, 20, 40),
               ncp=c(150,120, 80,110, 65,130, 80,130),
               x = c(868,900,880,850,660,720,720,800)/1000)
pnbA2 <- apply(aarg2, 1, function(aa) do.call(pnbetaAppr2, as.list(aa)))
pnA310<- apply(aarg2, 1, function(aa) do.call(pnbetaAS310, as.list(aa)))
aar2 <- aarg2; dimnames(aar2)[[2]] <- c(paste0("shape", 1:2), "ncp", "q")
pnbR  <- apply(aar2,  1, function(aa) do.call(pbeta, as.list(aa)))
range(relD2   <- 1 - pnbA2 /pnbR)
range(relD310 <- 1 - pnA310/pnbR)
cbind(aarg2, pnbA2, pnA310, pnbR,
      relD2 = signif(relD2, 3), relD310 = signif(relD310, 3)) # <------> Table 2
stopifnot(abs(relD2  ) < 0.006) # max is 0.00412
stopifnot(abs(relD310) < 1e-5 ) # max is 5.5953e-6

## Arguments as for Table 3 (p.152) of the reference :
aarg3 <- cbind(a = c( 10, 10, 10, 15, 10, 12, 30, 35),
               b = c(  5, 10, 30, 20,  5, 17, 30, 30),
               ncp=c( 20, 54, 80,120, 55, 64,140, 20),
               x = c(644,700,780,760,795,560,800,670)/1000)
pnbA3 <- apply(aarg3, 1, function(aa) do.call(pnbetaAppr2, as.list(aa)))
pnA310<- apply(aarg3, 1, function(aa) do.call(pnbetaAS310, as.list(aa)))
aar3 <- aarg3; dimnames(aar3)[[2]] <- c(paste0("shape", 1:2), "ncp", "q")
pnbR  <- apply(aar3,  1, function(aa) do.call(pbeta, as.list(aa)))
range(relD2   <- 1 - pnbA3 /pnbR)
range(relD310 <- 1 - pnA310/pnbR)
cbind(aarg3, pnbA3, pnA310, pnbR,
      relD2 = signif(relD2, 3), relD310 = signif(relD310, 3)) # <------> Table 3
stopifnot(abs(relD2  ) < 0.09) # max is 0.06337
stopifnot(abs(relD310) < 1e-4) # max is 3.898e-5

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