DSL (version 0.1-7)

MapReduce: MapReduce for "DList" Objects


Interface to apply functions on elements of "DList" objects.


DLapply( x, FUN, parallel, ..., keep = FALSE )
DMap( x, MAP, parallel, keep = FALSE )
DReduce( x, REDUCE, parallel, ... )



a "DList" object. Other objects (e.g., lists) will be coerced by as.DList.


the function to be applied to each element (i.e., the values) of x.


the function to be applied to each key/value pair in x.


the function to be applied to each key/value pair in x.

optional arguments to FUN or REDUCE.


logical; should the provided functions applied in parallel? Default: FALSE.


logical; should the current data be kept as a separate revision for further processing later? Default: FALSE.


A "DList".


The MapReduce programming model as defined by Dean and Ghemawat (2008) is as follows: the computation takes a set of input key/value pairs, and produces a set of output key/value pairs. The user expresses the computation as two functions: Map and Reduce. The Map function takes an input pair and produces a set of intermediate key/value pairs. The Reduce function accepts an intermediate key and a set of values for that key (possibly grouped by the MapReduce library). It merges these values together to form a possibly smaller set of values. Typically, just zero or one output value is produced per reduce invocation. Furthermore, data is usually stored on a (distributed) file system which is recognized by the MapReduce library. This allows such a framework to handle lists of values (here objects of class "DList") that are too large to fit in main memory (i.e., RAM).


J. Dean and S. Ghemawat (2008). MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters. Communications of the ACM, 51, 107--113.


Run this code
dl <- DList( line1 = "This is the first line.",
             line2 = "Now, the second line." )
res <- DLapply( dl, function(x) unlist(strsplit(x, " ")) )
as.list( res )

foo <- function( keypair )
    list( key = paste("next_", keypair$key, sep = ""), value =
    gsub("first", "mapped", keypair$value) )

dlm <- DMap( x = dl, MAP = foo)
## retrieve keys
unlist(DGather(dlm, keys = TRUE, names = FALSE))
## retrieve values
as.list( dlm )
## simple wordcount based on two files:
dir(system.file("examples", package = "DSL"))
## first force 1 chunk per file (set max chunk size to 1 byte):
ds <- DStorage("LFS", tempdir(), chunksize = 1L)
## make "DList" from files, i.e., read contents and store in chunks
dl <- as.DList(system.file("examples", package = "DSL"), DStorage = ds)
## read files
dl <- DMap(dl, function( keypair ){
    list( key = keypair$key, value = tryCatch(readLines(keypair$value),
error = function(x) NA) )
## split into terms
splitwords <- function( keypair ){
    keys <- unlist(strsplit(keypair$value, " "))
    mapply( function(key, value) list( key = key, value = value), keys, rep(1L, length(keys)),
res <- DMap( dl, splitwords )
## now aggregate by term
res <- DReduce( res, sum )
as.list( res )
# }

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