The R Package: DendroSync

A Set of Tools for Calculating Spatial Synchrony Between Tree-Ring Chronologies.

General Description

  • Dendrosync is an R library that provides functions for the calculation and plotting of synchrony in the tree growth from tree-ring width chronologies (TRW index). It combines variance-covariance (VCOV) mixed modelling with functions that quantify the degree to which TRW chronologies contain a common temporal signal. It also implements temporal trends in spatial synchrony using a moving window. These methods can also be used with other kind of eacological variables that have temporal autocorrelation corrected.

  • Version 0.1.4

  • Depends: R (>= 3.1.2), nlme, ggplot2

Package Contents

  • The package contains different functions to evaluate synchrony in tree growth from tree-ring width chronologies. Each function is described in help files with clear examples.

For a detailed description of the package visit: josugalday/r-stuff

  • Main functions:
  1. dendro.varcov: it calculates variance-covariance (VCOV) mixed models

  2. mod.table: it provides a table to compare fitted variance-covariance (VCOV) mixed models by AIC, AICc, BIC

  3. sync: it calculates spatial synchrony from fitted variance-covariance mixed models

  4. sync.plot: it creates dot plots of within- and between-group synchrony

  5. sync.trend: it calculates temporal trends of spatial sinchrony

  6. sync.trend.plot: it creates a line chart showing temporal trends of spatial synchrony


Alday JG; Shestakova TA, Resco de Dios V, Voltas J. (2018) DendroSync: An R package to unravel synchrony patterns in tree-ring networks. Dendrochronologia 47: 17-22.

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Last Published

May 26th, 2022

Functions in DendroSync (0.1.4)