DescTools (version 0.99.11)

SysInfo: System Information And DescTools Options


SysInfo is a convenience function to compile some information about the computing system and environment used.


DescToolsOptions(default = FALSE)


logical, if set to TRUE the DescTools options will be reset to their default values.


  • character string with all version and system information of the current R system


The function SysInfo is mainly used to save the system environment information in ncdf files containing the results of some calculations. Options There are a few options for the graphical output that can be set. DescToolsOptions displays the currently defined options. 1) Footnotes In some tables there are footnote signs used. They're named footnote1, footnote2 and can be changed with e.g. options("footnote1"="*"). Any character can be defined here. 2) plotit The option plotit can be used to make the Desc-procedures produce plots by default. Set: options(plotit=TRUE). Valid values are TRUE and FALSE. 3) Colors Three colors, that are used in many places can be set as options too. The options are col1, col2 and col3. By default they're set to hred, hblue and horange. Change the values by defining options(col1="pink", col2="blue", col2="yellow"). Any color definition can be used here.