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Lambda: Goodman Kruskal Lambda


Calculate symmetric and asymmetric Goodman Kruskal lambda and their confidence intervals.


Lambda(x, y = NULL, direction = c("symmetric", "row", "column"), conf.level = NA, ...)


a numeric vector, a matrix or a table.
NULL (default) or a vector with compatible dimensions to x. If y is provided, table(x, y, ...) is calculated.
direction of the calculation. Can be one out of "symmetric" (default), "row", "column" (abbreviations are allowed). If direction is set to "row" then Lambda(R|C) (column dependent) will be reported.
confidence level for the returned confidence interval, restricted to lie between 0 and 1.
further arguments are passed to the function table, allowing i.e. to set useNA.


  • a single numeric value if no confidence intervals are requested, and otherwise a numeric vector with 3 elements for the estimate, the lower and the upper confidence interval


Asymmetric lambda is interpreted as the probable improvement in predicting the column variable Y given knowledge of the row variable X. The nondirectional lambda is the average of the two asymmetric lambdas, Lambda(C|R) and Lambda(R|C). Lambda (asymmetric and symmetric) has a scale ranging from 0 to 1. For x either a matrix or data.frame, or two vectors x and y are expected. In latter case table(x, y) is calculated. The function handles NAs the same way the table function does, so tables are by default calculated with omitted NAs. Use PairApply to calculate pairwise lambdas. Use complete.cases, if only the complete cases of a data.frame are to be used.


Agresti, A. (2002) Categorical Data Analysis. John Wiley & Sons Goodman, L. A., and W. H. Kruskal. 1979. Measures of Association for Cross Classifications. New York: Springer-Verlag (contains articles appearing in J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. in 1954, 1959, 1963, 1972).

See Also

GoodmanKruskalGamma, SomersDelta, StuartTauC, GoodmanKruskalTauA, KendallTauB, cor


Run this code
# example from Goodman Kruskal (1954)
m <- as.table(cbind(c(1768,946,115), c(807,1387,438), c(189,746,288), c(47,53,16)))
dimnames(m) <- list(paste("A", 1:3), paste("B", 1:4))

# direction default is "symmetric"
Lambda(m, conf.level=0.95)

Lambda(m, direction="row")
Lambda(m, direction="column")

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