DiagrammeR (version 1.0.0)

is_property_graph: Is the graph a property graph?


Provides a logical value on whether the graph is property graph (i.e., all nodes have an assigned type value and all edges have an assigned rel value).





a graph object of class dgr_graph.


a logical value. # Create a graph with 2 nodes # (with `type` values) and a # single edge (with a `rel`) simple_property_graph <- create_graph() add_node( type = "a", label = "first") add_node( type = "b", label = "second") add_edge( from = "first", to = "second", rel = "rel_1")

# This is indeed a property graph # but to confirm this, use the # `is_property_graph()` function is_property_graph(simple_property_graph)

# If a `type` attribute is # removed, then this graph will # no longer be a property graph simple_property_graph set_node_attrs( node_attr = type, values = NA, nodes = 1) is_property_graph()

# An empty graph will return FALSE create_graph() is_property_graph()