FSelector (version 0.21)

FSelector-package: Package for selecting attributes


Package containing functions for selecting attributes from a given dataset and a destination attribute.



Package: FSelector
Type: Package
Version: 0.19
Date: 2013-02-28
License: GPL
LazyLoad: yes

This package contains:

  • -Algorithms for filtering attributes: cfs, chi.squared, information.gain, gain.ratio, symmetrical.uncertainty, linear.correlation, rank.correlation, oneR, relief, consistency, random.forest.importance

  • -Algorithms for wrapping classifiers and search attribute subset space: best.first.search, backward.search, forward.search, hill.climbing.search

  • -Algorithm for choosing a subset of attributes based on attributes' weights: cutoff.k, cutoff.k.percent, cutoff.biggest.diff

  • -Algorithm for creating formulas: as.simple.formula