GenEst (version 1.2.4)

GenEstUI: Create the GenEst User Interface HTML


This suite of functions create the HTML code underlying the GenEst user interface (UI). See the "GenEst Graphic User Interface" vignette for a more complete detailing of the codebase underlying the GenEst UI. GenEstUI: whole application. Calls dataInputPanel, analysisPanel, and helpPanel.

dataInputPanel: Data Input panel. Calls dataInputSidebar and loadedDataPanel.

dataInputSidebar: Data Input panel's sidebar (where the data files are selected). Calls dataInputWidget for each data file type.

loadedDataPanel: Data Input panel's main page (where the data files are displayed). Calls dataTabPanel for each data file type.

analysisPanel: Analysis panel. Calls GeneralInputsPanel, SEPanel, CPPanel, MPanel, and gPanel.

GeneralInputsPanel: Analysis panel's General Inputs panel. Calls GeneralInputSidebar.

GeneralInputSidebar: Analysis panel's General Inputs sidebar (where the Number of Iterations, Confidence Level, and Size Class Column are selected). Calls modelInputWidget for each input.

SEPanel: Analysis panel's Searcher Efficiency panel. Calls SESidebar and SEMainPanel.

SESidebar: Analysis panel's Searcher Efficiency panel's sidebar (where the Observation Columns, Predictor Columns, and fixed-k values are input and where the Size Class, p formula, and k formula are selected for the outputs). Calls modelInputWidget for each input, modelRunWidget for running the model button, and modelOutputWidget for output controls.

SEMainPanel: Analysis panel's Searcher Efficiency panel's main panel (where the Selected Data, Model Comparison, Figures, Model Estimates, and Model Selection are displayed). Calls selectedDataPanel for the selected data and then modelOutputPanel for each output.

CPPanel: Analysis panel's Carcass Persistence panel. Calls CPSidebar and CPMainPanel.

CPSidebar: Analysis panel's Carcass Persistence panel's sidebar (where the Observation Columns, Predictor Columns, and Distributions are input and where the Size Class, location formula, and scale formula are selected for the outputs). Calls modelInputWidget for each input, modelRunWidget for running the model button, and modelOutputWidget for the output controls.

CPMainPanel: Analysis panel's Carcass Persistence panel's main panel (where the Selected Data, Model Estimates, Model Comparison, Figures, and Model Selection are displayed). Calls selectedDataPanel for the selected data and modelOutputPanel for each of the outputs.

MPanel: Analysis panel's Mortality Estimation panel. Calls MSidebar and MMainPanel.

MSidebar: Analysis panel's Mortality Estimation panel's sidebar (where the assummed k (if needed), Fraction of Facility Sampled, DWP Column, and Date Found Column are input and the Size Class is selected for the outputs). Calls modelInputWidget for each input, modelRunWidget for running the model button, and modelOutputWidget for the output controls.

MMainPanel: Analysis panel's Mortality Estimation panel's main panel (where Figures, and Summary are displayed). Calls modelOutputPanel for each output.

gPanel: Analysis panel's Detection Probability panel. Calls gSidebar and gMainPanel.

gSidebar: Analysis panel's Detection Probability panel's sidebar (where the Search Schedule and assummed k (if needed) are input and the Size Class, is selected for the outputs). Calls modelInputWidget for each input, modelRunWidget for running the model button, and modelOutputWidget for the output controls.

gMainPanel: Analysis panel's Detection Probability panel's main panel (where the Search Schedule, Figures, and Summary are displayed). Calls modelOutputPanel for each output.

helpPanel: Help panel. Calls gettingStartedPanel, downloadsPanel, aboutPanel, and disclaimersPanel.

gettingStartedPanel: Help panel's Getting Started panel. calls gettingStartedContent, the function containing the raw content for the page (which is text heavy and so moved to its own function).

downloadsPanel: Help panel's Example Data panel. Calls dataDownloadWidget for each data set.

aboutPanel: Help panel's About panel. Calls aboutContent, the function containing the raw content for the page (which is text heavy and so moved to its own function).

disclaimersPanel: Help panel's Disclaimers panel. Calls disclaimersContent, the function containing the raw content for the page (which is text heavy and so moved to its own function).


GenEstUI(appType = "base")



















helpPanel(appType = "base")




disclaimersPanel(appType = "base")



Toggle control for the app, "base" for local versions or "deploy" for hosted version. Currently only differentiates the disclaimer text.


Each function returns a string of HTML code, either as a "shiny.tag.list" object (in the case of GenEstUI) or a "shiny.tag" object (in the case of the other functions). GenEstUI: Full GenEst user interface.

dataInputPanel: Data Input panel.

dataInputSidebar: Data Input sidebar.

loadedDataPanel: Data Input data panel.

AnalysisPanel: Analysis panel.

GeneralInputsPanel: Analysis -> General Inputs panel.

GeneralInputSidebar: Analysis -> General Inputs sidebar.

SEPanel: Analysis -> Searcher Efficiency panel.

SESidebar: Analysis -> Searcher Efficiency sidebar.

SEMainPanel: Analysis -> Searcher Efficiency main panel.

CPPanel: Analysis -> Carcass Persistence panel.

CPSidebar: Analysis -> Carcass Persistence sidebar.

CPMainPanel: Analysis -> Carcass Persistence main panel.

MPanel: Analysis -> Mortality Estimation panel.

MSidebar: Analysis -> Mortality Estimation sidebar.

MMainPanel: Analysis -> Mortality Estimation main panel.

gPanel: Analysis -> Detection Probability panel.

gSidebar: Analysis -> Detection Probability sidebar.

gMainPanel: Analysis -> Detection Probability main panel.

helpPanel: Help panel.

gettingStartedPanel: Help -> Getting Started panel.

downloadsPanel: Help -> Downloads panel.

aboutPanel: Help -> About panel.

aboutPanel: Help -> Disclaimers panel.


Currently there are few differences between the local and deployed versions of GenEst, and the appType toggle is only included as an argument for functions that can produce different versions of the HTML. At this point, the only content that is different is the disclaimer text on the Help panel.