GenEst (version 1.2.4)

cpm: Fit cp carcass persistence models


Carcass persistence is modeled as survival function where the one or both parameter(s) can depend on any number of covariates. Format and usage parallel that of common R functions such as lm, glm, and gam. However, the input data (data) are structured differently to accommodate the survival model approach (see "Details"), and model formulas may be entered for both l ("location") and s ("scale").


cpm(formula_l, formula_s = NULL, data, left, right, dist = "weibull",
  allCombos = FALSE, sizeCol = NULL, CL = 0.9, quiet = FALSE)

cpm0(formula_l, formula_s = NULL, data = NULL, left = NULL, right = NULL, dist = "weibull", CL = 0.9, quiet = FALSE)

cpmSet(formula_l, formula_s = NULL, data, left, right, dist = c("exponential", "weibull", "lognormal", "loglogistic"), CL = 0.9, quiet = FALSE)

cpmSize(formula_l, formula_s = NULL, data, left, right, dist = c("exponential", "weibull", "lognormal", "loglogistic"), sizeCol = NULL, allCombos = FALSE, CL = 0.9, quiet = FALSE)



Formula for location; an object of class "formula" (or one that can be coerced to that class): a symbolic description of the model to be fitted. Details of model specification are given under "Details".


Formula for scale; an object of class "formula" (or one that can be coerced to that class): a symbolic description of the model to be fitted. Details of model specification are given under "Details".


Data frame with results from carcass persistence trials and any covariates included in formula_l or formula_s (required).


Name of columns in data where the time of last present observation is stored.


Name of columns in data where the time of first absent observation is stored.


Distribution name ("exponential", "weibull", "loglogistic", or "lognormal")


logical. If allCombos = FALSE, then the single model expressed by formula_l and formula_s is fit using a call to cpm0. If allCombos = TRUE, a full set of cpm submodels derived from combinations of the given covariates for p and k is fit. For example, submodels of formula_l = p ~ A * B would be p ~ A * B, p ~ A + B, p ~ A, p ~ B, and p ~ 1. Models for each pairing of a p submodel with a k submodel are fit via cpmSet, which fits each model combination using successive calls to cpm0, which fits a single model.


character string. The name of the column in data that gives the size class of the carcasses in the field trials. If sizeCol = NULL, then models are not segregated by size. If a sizeCol is provided, then separate models are fit for the data subsetted by sizeCol.


confidence level


Logical indicator of whether or not to print messsages


an object of an object of class cpm, cpmSet, cpmSize, or cpmSetSize.


returns a cpm object, which is a description of a single, fitted pk model. Due to the large number and complexity of components of acpm model, only a subset of them is printed automatically; the rest can be viewed/accessed via the $ operator if desired. These are described in detail in the 'cpm Components' section.


returns a list of cpm objects, one for each of the submodels, as described with parameter allCombos = TRUE.


returns a list of cpmSet objects (one for each 'size') if allCombos = T, or a list of cpm objects (one for each 'size') if allCombos = T


returns a cpm, cpmSet, cpmSize, or cpmSetSize object:

  • cpm object if allCombos = FALSE, sizeCol = NULL

  • cpmSet object if allCombos = TRUE, sizeCol = NULL

  • cpmSize object if allCombos = FALSE, sizeCol != NULL

  • cpmSetSize object if allCombos = TRUE, sizeCol != NULL

<code>cpm</code> Components

The following components of a cpm object are displayed automatically:


the function call to fit the model


the model formula for the p parameter


the model formula for the k parameter


distribution used


list of covariates of l and/or s


the AIC value as corrected for small sample size


convergence status of the numerical optimization to find the maximum likelihood estimates of p and k. A value of 0 indicates that the model was fit successfully. For help in deciphering other values, see optim.


summary statistics for estimated cellwise l and s, including the medians and upper & lower bounds on CIs for each parameter, indexed by cell (or combination of covariate levels).


summary statistics for estimated cellwise pda and pdb, including the medians and upper & lower bounds on CIs for each parameter, indexed by cell (or combination of covariate levels).


Descriptive statistics for estimated cellwise median persistence time and rI for search intervals of 1, 3, 7 14, and 28 days, where rI is the probability of that carcass that arrives at a uniform random time in within a search interval of I days persists until the first search after arrival.

The following components are not printed automatically but can be accessed via the $ operator:


the data used to fit the model


parameter estimates for the terms in the regression model for for l


parameter estimates for the terms in the regression model for for s. If dist = "exponential", s is set at 1 and not calculated.


the variance-covariance matrix of the estimators for c(betahat_l, betahat_s.


a cellwise model (design) matrix for covariate structure of l_formula


a cellwise model(design) matrix for covariate structure of s_formula


all levels of each covariate of l


all levels of each covariate of s


number of parameters fit for l


number of parameters fit for s


cell structure of the cp-model, i.e., combinations of all levels for each covariate of p and k. For example, if covar1 has levels "a", "b", and "c", and covar2 has levels "X" and "Y", then the cells would consist of a.X, a.Y, b.X, b.Y, c.X, and c.Y.


total number of cells


list of covariates of l


list of covariates of s


observations used to fit the model


the cell to which each carcass belongs


the AIC value for the fitted model


the input CL


cpmSize may also be used to fit a single model for each size class if allCombos = FALSE. To do so, formula_l, formula_s, and dist be named lists with names matching the sizes listed in unique(data[, sizeCol]). The return value is then a list of cpm objects, one for each size.


The probability of a carcass persisting to a particular time is dictated by the specific distribution chosen and its underlying location (l) and scale (s) parameters (for all models except the exponential, which only has a location parameter). Both l and s may depend on covariates such as ground cover, season, species, etc., and a separate model format (formula_l and formula_s) may be entered for each. The models are entered as they would be in the familiar lm or glm functions in R. For example, l might vary with A, B, and C, while k varies only with A. A user might then enter p ~ A + B + C for formula_l and k ~ A for formula_s. Other R conventions for defining formulas may also be used, with A:B for the interaction between covariates A and B and A * B as short-hand for A + B + A:B.

Carcass persistence data must be entered in a data frame with data in each row giving the fate of a single carcass in the trials. There must be a column for each of the last time the carcass was observed present and the first time the carcass was observed absent (or NA if the carcass was always present). Additional columns with values for categorical covariates (e.g., visibility = E, M, or D) may also be included.


Run this code
 mod1 <- cpm(formula_l = l ~ Season, formula_s = s ~ 1, data = wind_RP$CP,
   left = "LastPresent", right = "FirstAbsent")
 mod2 <- cpm(formula_l = l ~ Season, formula_s = s ~ 1, data = wind_RP$CP,
   left = "LastPresent", right = "FirstAbsent", allCombos = TRUE)
 mod3 <- cpm(formula_l = l ~ Season, formula_s = s ~ 1, data = wind_RP$CP,
   left = "LastPresent", right = "FirstAbsent",
   allCombos = TRUE, sizeCol = "Size")

# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataCamp Workspace