GenEst (version 1.4.5)

GenEst: Generalized estimation of mortality


This package is designed to analyze searcher efficiency, carcass persistence, search schedule, and carcass observation data for the estimation of bird and bat mortality at wind and solar power facilities.



browseVignettes("GenEst") packageDescription("GenEst") disclaimerUSGS() disclaimerWEST()

Main command-line functions

pkm, cpm, dwpm

estimate searcher efficiency (pk), carcass persistence (cp), and (dwp) parameters


estimate mortality given pkm, cpm and data


split mortality estimates by subcategories


S3 function for pkm, pkmSet, cpm, cpmSet, estM, splitFull, splitSummary, gGeneric, and gGenericSize objects


transpose 2-d splits


S3 function for estM, splitFull, gGeneric, gGenericSize objects


S3 function for extracting models' AICc values from pkm, pkmSet, pkmSize, pkmSetSize, cpm, cpmSet, cpmSize, and cpmSetSize objects


Calculate descriptive statistics for a fitted CP model


estimate detection probability (g) for given searcher efficiency and carcass persistence model


start the GUI

Other functions

trimSetSize combinePreds combinePredsAcrossModels pkmSetSizeFailRemove pkmSetFailRemove cpmSetSizeFailRemove cpmSetSizeFail cpmSetFailRemove CO_DWP CPcols cpmCPCellPlot cpmFail cpmSetFail cpmSetSpecCPCellPlot DWPCols expandModelSetCP obsCols_SE pkmFail pkmSetAllFail pkmSetFail pkmSetSizeFail plotCPCells plotCPFigure plotCPHeader predsCols SEsi_left SEsi_right SEsi0 sizeCols matchCells checkComponents checkSpecificModelCP checkSpecificModelSE combinePredsAcrossModels CPdistOptions obsCols_fta obsCols_ltp pkmParamPlot pkmSECellPlot pkmSet pkmSetSpecParamPlot pkmSetSpecSECellPlot plotSEBoxPlots plotSEBoxTemplate plotSECells plotSEFigure plotSEHeader prepPredictors readCSV removeCols

Internal functions (not exported)

_GenEst_calcRateC _GenEst_calcTsplitC calcRateC calcTsplitC aboutContent aboutPanel analysisPanel b big cButtonStyle center classText clearNotifications CPMainPanel CPPanel downloadCPFig estText CPSidebar initialReactiveValues createvtext dataDownloadWidget dataInputPanel dataInputSidebar dataInputWidget dataTabPanel disclaimersContent disclaimersPanel downloadCPFig downloadCPMod downloadCPMres downloadSEmod downloadgFig downloadMFig downloadSEFig downloadsPanel downloadTable eventReaction GeneralInputSidebar GeneralInputsPanel GenEstAcknowledgements GenEstAuthors GenEstGUIauthors GenEstInlineCSS GenEstLicense GenEstLogos GenEstShinyJS GenEstUI GenEstServer gettingStartedContent gettingStartedPanel gMainPanel gPanel gSidebar helpPanel initialOutput kFixedWidget kFixedWidgetHeader kFixedWidgetRow li loadedDataPanel MMainPanel modelInputWidget modelOutputPanel modelOutputWidget modelRunWidget modelSelectionWidget modelSelectionWidgetHeader modelSelectionWidgetRow modelSetCells modelSetModelCells modelSetModelPredictors modelSetPredictors modNamePaste modNameSplit MPanel msgFracNote msgList msgModDone msgModFail msgModPartialFail msgModRun msgModSENobs msgModWarning msgSampleSize msgSplitFail msgSSavgFail msgSSinputFail MSidebar navbar ol pickSizeclass plotNA prepSizeclassText preTextMaker reaction reactionMessageDone reactionMessageRun reNULL reVal SEboxes SEcols selectData selectedDataPanel SEMainPanel SEPanel SEpanel SESidebar setkNeed setNotSuspending small splitButtonWidget style trimSetSize u ul update_input update_output update_rv updateColNames_size updateSizeclasses updatesizeCol widgetMaker