GenEst (version 1.4.9)

estgGeneric: Estimate generic g


Generic g estimation by simulation from given SE model and CP models under a specific search schedule.

The g estimated by estgGeneric is a generic aggregate detection probability and represents the probability of detecting a carcass that arrives at a (uniform) random time during the period monitored, for each of the possible cell combinations, given the SE and CP models. This is somethat different from the GenEst estimation of g when the purpose is to estimate total mortality (M), in which case the detection probability varies with carcass arrival interval and is difficult to summarize statistically. The estgGeneric estimate is a useful "big picture" summary of detection probability, but would be difficult to work with for estimating M with precision.


estgGeneric(days, model_SE, model_CP, nsim = 1000)


gGeneric object that is a list of [1] a list of g estimates, with one element in the list corresponding to each of the cells from the cross-model combination and [2] a table of predictors and cell names associated with the gs



Search schedule data as a vector of days searched


Searcher Efficiency model (pkm object)


Carcass Persistence model (cpm object)


the number of simulation draws


Run this code
  model_SE <- pkm(formula_p = p ~ HabitatType, formula_k = k ~ 1,
                data = mock$SE)
  model_CP <- cpm(formula_l = l ~ Visibility, formula_s = s ~ Visibility, 
                data = mock$CP, left = "LastPresentDecimalDays", 
                right = "FirstAbsentDecimalDays")
  avgSS <- averageSS(mock$SS)
  ghatsGeneric <- estgGeneric(days = avgSS, model_SE = model_SE,
   model_CP = model_CP)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab