GeoLight (version 2.0.0)

GeoLight-package: The GeoLight Package


This is a summary of all features of GeoLight, a R-package for analyzing light based geolocator data


Getting Started

We refrain from giving detailed background on the (several steps of) analysis of light-based geolocator data here but strongly recommend the key-publications below.


We advise all users to update their installation of GeoLight regularly. Type news(package="GeoLight") to read news documentation about changes to the recent and all previous version of the package

Important notes

Most functions in GeoLight require the same initial units and mostly the format and object type is mandatory:
yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm "UTC" (see: as.POSIXct, time zones)
tSecond as tFirst (e.g. 2008-12-01 17:30)
either 1 or 2 depending on wheter tFirst is sunrise (1) or sunset (2)
coord SpatialPoints or a matrix, containing x and y coordinates (in that order)


In the following, we give a summary of the main functions and sample datasets in the GeoLight package. Alternatively a list of all functions and datasets in alphabetical order is available by typing library(help=GeoLight). For further information on any of these functions, type help(function name).


Determination of sunset and sunrise
II. Residency analysis
IV. Positioning
Data visualisation

I. Determination of sunset and sunrise

transformation of already defined twilight events*
glfTrans transformation of light intensity measurements over time*
transformation of light intensity measurements over time**
lightFilter filter to remove noise in light intensity measurements during the night
definition of twilight events (sunrise, sunset) from light intensity measurements
* written for data recorded by geolocator devices from the Swiss Ornithological Institute ** written for data recorded by geolocator devices from Migrate Technology Ltd

II. Residency Analysis

function to distinguish between residency and movement periods
schedule function to produce a data frame summerizing the residency and movement pattern

III. Calibration

See Lisovski et al. 2012 for all implemented calibration methods.
function to calculate the sun elevation angle for data with known position
HillEkstromCalib Hill-Ekstrom calibration for one or more defined stationary periods

IV. Positioning

main function to derive a matrix of spatial coordinates
distanceFilter filter function to reduce unrealistic positions (not recommended, since the filtering ignore positioning error)
filter function to define outliers in sunrise and sunset times (defined twilight events)

V. Data visualisation

function to map the derived positions and combine the coordinates in time order
siteMap function to show the results of the residency analysis on a map

IV. Examples

data for calibration: light intensities
calib2 data for calibration: Calculated twilight events (from calib1 by twilightCalc)
light intensity measurements over time recorded on a migratory bird
hoopoe2 sunrise and sunset times: From light intensity measurement (from hoopoe1)

<b><code>R</code></b> Packages for Further Spatial Ananlyses

spatstat adehabitat gstat trip tripEstimation move ...


Steffen Hahn, Felix Liechti, Fraenzi Korner-Nievergelt, Andrea Koelzsch, Eldar Rakhimberdiev, Erich Baechler, Eli Bridge, Andrew Parnell, Richard Inger


Simeon Lisovski, Simon Wotherspoon, Michael Sumner, Silke Bauer, Tamara Emmenegger Maintainer: Simeon Lisovski


Ekstrom, P.A. (2004) An advance in geolocation by light. Memoirs of the National Institute of Polar Research, Special Issue, 58, 210-226. Fudickar, A.M., Wikelski, M., Partecke, J. (2011) Tracking migratory songbirds: accuracy of light-level loggers (geolocators) in forest habitats. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, DOI: 10.1111/j.2041-210X.2011.00136.x. Hill, C. & Braun, M.J. (2001) Geolocation by light level - the next step: Latitude. Electronic Tagging and Tracking in Marine Fisheries (eds J.R. Sibert & J. Nielsen), pp. 315-330. Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands. Hill, R.D. (1994) Theory of geolocation by light levels. Elephant Seals: Population Ecology, Behavior, and Physiology (eds L. Boeuf, J. Burney & R.M. Laws), pp. 228-237. University of California Press, Berkeley. Lisovski, S. and Hahn, S. (2012) GeoLight - processing and analysing light-based geolocator data in R. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, doi: 10.1111/j.2041-210X.2012.00248.x Lisovski, S., Hewson, C.M, Klaassen, R.H.G., Korner-Nievergelt, F., Kristensen, M.W & Hahn, S. (2012) Geolocation by light: Accuracy and precision affected by environmental factors. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, doi: 10.1111/j.2041-210X.2012.00185.x Wilson, R.P., Ducamp, J.J., Rees, G., Culik, B.M. & Niekamp, K. (1992) Estimation of location: global coverage using light intensity. Wildlife telemetry: remote monitoring and tracking of animals (eds I.M. Priede & S.M. Swift), pp. 131-134. Ellis Horward, Chichester.


GeoLight is a package to derive geographical positions from daily light intensity pattern. Positioning and calibration methods are based on the threshold-method (Ekstrom 2004, Lisovski et al. 2012). A changepoint model from the R package changepoint is implemented to distinguish between periods of residency and movement based on the sunrise and sunset times. Mapping functions are implemented using the R package maps.