HH (version 2.1-25)

panel.dotplot.tb: Dotplot with evenly spaced tiebreakers.


Dotplot with evenly spaced tiebreakers. Multiple hits on a specific x value are stacked.


panel.dotplot.tb(x, y, factor=.1,
                 jitter.data=TRUE, horizontal=TRUE,
                 max.freq=max(sapply(subsets, length)),


x, y
See dotplot.
jitter factor, see stripplot. Increment is factor/max.freq where max.freq is the maximum number of duplicates of any x value in any y group.
jitter.data, horizontal
Always TRUE.
maximum number of observation at any combination of response values, factor levels, and group levels. If the formula includes one or more conditioning factors, then the user is responsible for providing a value for max.freq.
Other arguments for dotplot.


If the formula includes one or more conditioning factors, then the user is responsible for providing a value for max.freq. The default behavior is a different max.freq for each panel in a multi-panel display.


Creates (possibly grouped) Dotplot of x against y. y is the `factor'.


Run this code
x <- c(1,1,2,2,2,5,4,2,1,5)
y <- factor(letters[rep(1:2, 5)])

dotplot(x, panel=panel.dotplot.tb)
dotplot(x, panel=panel.dotplot.tb, factor=.2)
dotplot(y ~ x, panel=panel.dotplot.tb)
dotplot(y ~ x, panel=panel.dotplot.tb, cex=1.5, factor=.15)

quiz <- data.frame(scores=sample(10, 360, replace=TRUE),
                   date=rep(rep(c("0902", "0916", "0930"), c(40,40,40)), 3),
                     c("Stat1-3", "Stat1-5", "Stat1-8"),

dotplot(date ~ scores | section, data=quiz,
        panel=panel.dotplot.tb, factor=.5)

dotplot(date ~ scores | section, data=quiz,
        panel=panel.dotplot.tb, factor=.5,
        layout=c(1,3), between=list(y=1),
        main='Three quizzes for three sections of Stat 1')

## If the formula includes one or more conditioning factors, then the
## user is responsible for providing a value for the argument max.freq
a <- rep(1, 10)
z <- c(1,1,2,2,2,3,2,3,1,1)
g <- LETTERS[c(1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2)]

print(split=c(1,1,2,1), more=TRUE,
dotplot( a ~ z | g, panel=panel.dotplot.tb,
        factor=.6, cex=1.5, layout=c(2,1),
        main="different scaling in each panel")

print(split=c(2,1,2,1), more=FALSE,
dotplot( a ~ z | g, panel=panel.dotplot.tb, max.freq=3,
        factor=.6, cex=1.5, layout=c(2,1),
        main="same scaling in each panel")

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