HH (version 2.2-17)

HH_regsubsets: Display tabular results for Best Subsets Regression.


Print a tabular display of the results of Best Subsets Regression. This is an alternate display for the object from the regsubsets function. This function is based on regsubsets. The functions described here are designed for the HH package in R and use the leaps package in R. The leaps package is not in S-Plus, hence these functions do not work in the HH package for S-Plus.


`summary_HH`(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'regsubsets':
           names = abbreviate(dimnames(incidence)[[2]], minlength = abbrev),
           abbrev = 1, min.size = 1, max.size = dim(sumry$which)[2],
           statistic = c("bic", "cp", "adjr2", "rsq", "rss", "stderr"),
           las = par("las"),
           cex.subsets = 1, ..., main=statistic)

## S3 method for class 'summary_HH_regsubsets':
plot(x, ...,
           statistic="adjr2", legend=FALSE,
           col="darkgray", cex=1, pch=16,
           col.text="black", cex.text=1, col.abline="darkgray")



summary_HH produces a table of models, with p, rsq, rss, adjr2, cp, bic, stderr for each. plot.summary_HH_regsubsets plots the specified statistic from the summary. All the others are support functions.

See Also
