HH (version 2.2-17)

arima.diag.hh: Repair design error in S-Plus arima.diag


Repair design error in S-Plus arima.diag.


arima.diag.hh(z, acf.resid = TRUE,
              lag.max = round(max(gof.lag + n.parms + 1, 10 * log10(n))),
              gof.lag = 15, resid = FALSE,
              std.resid = TRUE, plot = TRUE, type = "h", ...,
              x=eval(parse(text = series.name), local = sys.parent()))



#ifndef S-Plus This function is a no-op in R. It returns NA. #endif #ifdef S-Plus See arima.diag. #endif


Repairs design flaw in S-Plus arima.diag. The location of the time series is hardwired one level up, so it can't be found when arima.diag is not one level down from the top. This function is a no-op in R.

See Also

tsdiagplot in both systems and#ifndef S-Plus arima.diag #endif #ifdef S-Plus arima.diag. #endif in S-Plus.