HH (version 2.3-15)

print.TwoTrellisColumns: Print two conformable trellis plots in adjacent columns with user control of widths.


Print two conformable trellis plots in adjacent columns with user control of widths. Left y tick-labels and left.strip are removed from the right-hand plot.


as.TwoTrellisColumns(left,  ## left  is the left trellis object
                     right, ## right is the right trellis object
                     ## Both left and right must have identical
                     ## settings for number and size of vertical panels,
                     ## left-axis labels, number of lines in main, sub, legend
                     ## and maybe some other items
                       L=c(0, panel.width),
                       R=c(1-panel.width, 1),
                       M=c(panel.width, 1-panel.width)),

as.TwoTrellisColumns5(left,  ## left  is the left trellis object
                      right, ## right is the right trellis object
                      ## Both left and right must have identical
                      ## settings for number and size of vertical panels,
                      ## left-axis labels, number of lines in main, sub, legend.
                      pw=c(.3, .30, .01, .30, .09),
                        LL=c(0, pwc[1]),
## S3 method for class 'TwoTrellisColumns':
print(x, px=attr(x, "px"), ...)
## S3 method for class 'TwoTrellisColumns5':
print(x, px=attr(x, "px"), ...)



left, right
Conformable "trellis" objects. Both must have the identical settings for number and size of vertical panels, left-axis labels, number of lines in main, sub, legend.
Numeric scalar between 0 and 0.5. Common width of left and right panels. The default value .48 value works well for the USAge.table example. This number is expanded in the px argument to the x values used in the <
x values used in the position argument of the print.trellis function. The default makes the Left and Right panels the same width and the Middle containing the y-axis is given the remainder. Overlapping is permitted. The app
If TRUE and x contains a bottom legend, then it is printed along with the Middle section containing the y-axis. If FALSE or there is no bottom legend, then the bottom legend is not printed.
Other arguments are ignored.
A "TwoTrellisColumns" object which will be printed.
pw, pwc
pw vector of five positive numbers that sum to 1. These are the relative widths of the five sections of the result: LeftLabels, LeftPanel, MainSubLegend, RightPanel, RightLabels. pwc is the cumulative sum of pw


  • A "TwoTrellisColumns" object, consisting of a list containing the constructed left, middle, and right trellis objects, and an attribute containing the px value.


as.TwoTrellisColumns works by stripping the title, subtitle, and bottom legend from the left and right arguments. It removes the left tick-labels and the strip.left from the right argument. It constructs a middle object and places the title, subtitle, and bottom legend on the middle argument. print.TwoTrellisColumns is a print method for two conformable trellis objects. The three objects are printed on the same graph window using the px values as the x-position arguments for the print.trellis function. emptyLeftAxisLeftStrip, leftLabels.trellis, rightLabels.trellis, panelOnly.trellis, mainSubLegend.trellis, emptyLeftAxisLeftStrip, emptyRightAxis blanks out the various components of the trellis argument and retains their vertical spacing.

See Also

likert for the details on the motivating example.


Run this code

## Putting both percents and counts on the same plot requires
## coordination.  The easiest way is to order the original tables of
## counts by the order of the percent plot.

names(ProfChal)[6] <- "Prof Recog" ## reduce length of label

percentPlot <- likert(ProfChal, as.percent="noRightAxis", positive.order=TRUE,
                      main="Is your job professionally challenging?",
## percentPlot
pct.order <- percentPlot$y.limits

ProfChal.pct.order <- sapply(seq(along=ProfChal),
                           function(i, mylist, myorder)
                           ProfChal, pct.order,
names(ProfChal.pct.order) <- names(ProfChal)
class(ProfChal.pct.order) <- class(ProfChal)

countPlot   <- likert(ProfChal.pct.order, rightAxis=TRUE,
                      scales=list(x=list(at=c(0, 250, 500))),
                      main="Is your job professionally challenging?")
## countPlot
names(ProfChal)[6] <- "Attitude
Recognition" ## Restore original label

as.TwoTrellisColumns(percentPlot, countPlot,
                     px=list(L=c(0,.77),   ## left labels and left panel    ## Overlap is ok.
                             M=c(.60,.61), ## main, sub, and legend of left ## Do it visually for
                             R=c(.71,1)))  ## right panel and right labels  ## the graphics window width.

as.TwoTrellisColumns5(percentPlot, countPlot)  ## bad overlap for this example with 7in x 7in window

as.TwoTrellisColumns5(percentPlot, countPlot, ## acceptable in 7in x 7in
                     pw=c(.528, .186, .01, .186, .09)) ## These 5 numbers must sum to 1.

as.TwoTrellisColumns5(percentPlot, countPlot, ## better in 7in x 7in
                       LL=c(0.000, 0.528),  ## 0.528 makes LL and LP touch without overlap        ## left labels and strip.left
                       LP=c(0.528, 0.714),                                                        ## left panel
                       ML=c(0.580, 0.581),  ## shifted left, to center main and key               ## main, sub, key from left argument
                       RP=c(0.724, 0.910),  ## gap from 0.714 to 0.724 puts space between columns ## right panel
                       RL=c(0.920, 1.000))) ## extra space                                        ## right labels

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab