HH (version 3.1-31)

panel.axis.right: Right-justify right-axis tick labels.


panel.axis.right is almost identical to panel.axis. axis.RightAdjustRight is almost identical to axis.default. The only difference is that these functions right-justify right-axis tick labels.


panel.axis.right(side = c("bottom", "left", "top", "right"),
                 at = pretty(scale.range),
                 labels = TRUE, draw.labels = TRUE,
                 check.overlap = FALSE, outside = FALSE, ticks = TRUE,
                 half = !outside,
                 which.half = switch(side, bottom = "lower",
                                     left = "upper", top = "upper",
                                     right = "lower"),
                 tck = as.numeric(ticks),
                 rot = if (is.logical(labels)) 0 else c(90, 0),
                 text.col = axis.text$col, text.alpha = axis.text$alpha,
                 text.cex = axis.text$cex, text.font = axis.text$font,
                 text.fontfamily = axis.text$fontfamily,
                 text.fontface = axis.text$fontface,
                 text.lineheight = axis.text$lineheight,
                 line.col = axis.line$col, line.lty = axis.line$lty,
                 line.lwd = axis.line$lwd, line.alpha = axis.line$alpha)

axis.RightAdjustRight(side = c("top", "bottom", "left", "right"),
                      scales, components, as.table,
                      labels = c("default", "yes", "no"),
                      ticks = c("default", "yes", "no"),
                      ...,                      prefix = lattice.lattice.getStatus("current.prefix"))


side, at, labels, draw.labels, check.overlap, outside, ticks, half, which.half
tck, rot, text.col, text.alpha, text.cex, text.font, text.fontfamily
text.fontface, text.lineheight, line.col, line.lty, line.lwd, line.alpha
scales, components, as.table, ..., prefix

See Also
