Hmisc (version 3.0-1)

latex: Convert an S object to LaTeX, and Related Utilities


latex converts its argument to a .tex file appropriate for inclusion in a LaTeX2e document. latex is a generic function that calls one of latex.default, latex.function, latex.list.

latex.default does appropriate rounding and decimal alignment and produces a file containing a LaTeX tabular environment to print the matrix or data.frame x as a table.

latex.function prepares an S function for printing by issuing sed commands that are similar to those in the procedure in the package (Chambers and Hastie, 1993).

latex.list calls latex recursively for each element in the argument.

latexTranslate translates particular items in character strings to LaTeX format, e.g., makes a^2 = a$^2$ for superscript within variable labels. LaTeX names of greek letters (e.g., "alpha") will have backslashes added if greek==TRUE. Math mode is inserted as needed. latexTranslate assumes that input text always has matches, e.g. [) [] (] (), and that surrounding by $$ is OK.

latexSN converts a vector floating point numbers to character strings using LaTeX exponents. Dollar signs to enter math mode are not added.

latexVerbatim on an object executes the object's print method, capturing the output for a file inside a LaTeX verbatim environment.

dvi uses the system latex command to compile LaTeX code produced by latex, including any needed styles. dvi will put a documentclass{report} and end{document} wrapper around a file produced by latex. By default, the geometry LaTeX package is used to omit all margins and to set the paper size to a default of 5.5in wide by 7in tall. The result of dvi is a .dvi file. To both format and screen display a non-default size, use for example print(dvi(latex(x), width=3, height=4),width=3,height=4). Note that you can use something like xdvi -geometry 460x650 -margins 2.25in file without changing LaTeX defaults to emulate this.

dvips will use the system dvips command to print the .dvi file to the default system printer, or create a postscript file if file is specified.

dvigv uses the system dvips command to convert the input object to a .dvi file, and uses the system dvips command to convert it to postscript. Then the postscript file is displayed using Ghostview (assumed to be the system command gv).

There are show methods for displaying typeset LaTeX on the screen using the system xdvi command. If you show a LaTeX file created by latex without running it through dvi using show.dvi(object), the show method will run it through dvi automatically. These show methods are not S Version 4 methods so you have to use full names such as show.dvi and show.latex. Use the print methods for more automatic display of typesetting, e.g. typing latex(x) will invoke xdvi to view the typeset document.


latex(object, title=first.word(deparse(substitute(object))), ...)

## S3 method for class 'default': latex(object, title=first.word(deparse(substitute(object))), file=paste(title, ".tex", sep=""), append=FALSE, label=title, rowlabel=title, rowlabel.just="l", cgroup=NULL, n.cgroup=NULL, rgroup=NULL, n.rgroup=NULL, cgroupTexCmd="bfseries", rgroupTexCmd="bfseries", rownamesTexCmd=NULL, colnamesTexCmd=NULL, cellTexCmds=NULL, rowname, cgroup.just=rep("c",length(n.cgroup)), colheads=dimnames(cx)[[2]], extracolheads=NULL, extracolsize='scriptsize', dcolumn=FALSE, numeric.dollar=!dcolumn, cdot=FALSE, longtable=FALSE, draft.longtable=TRUE, ctable=FALSE, booktabs=FALSE, table.env=TRUE, here=FALSE,, caption=NULL, caption.lot=NULL, caption.loc=c('top','bottom'), double.slash=FALSE, vbar=FALSE, collabel.just=rep("c",nc), na.blank=TRUE, insert.bottom=NULL, first.hline.double=!(booktabs | ctable), where='!tbp', size=NULL, center=c('center','centering','none'), landscape=FALSE, multicol=TRUE, ...) # x is a matrix or data.frame

## S3 method for class 'function': latex( object, title=first.word(deparse(substitute(object))), file=paste(title, ".tex", sep=""), append=FALSE, assignment=TRUE, type=c('example','verbatim'), ...)

## S3 method for class 'list': latex( object, title=first.word(deparse(substitute(object))), file=paste(title, ".tex", sep=""), append=FALSE, label, caption, caption.lot, caption.loc=c('top','bottom'), ...)

## S3 method for class 'latex': print(x, ...)

latexTranslate(object, inn=NULL, out=NULL, pb=FALSE, greek=FALSE, ...)


latexVerbatim(x, title=first.word(deparse(substitute(x))), file=paste(title, ".tex", sep=""), append=FALSE, size=NULL, hspace=NULL, width=.Options$width, length=.Options$length, ...)

dvi(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'latex': dvi(object, prlog=FALSE, nomargins=TRUE, width=5.5, height=7, \dots) ## S3 method for class 'dvi': print(x, \dots) dvips(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'latex': dvips(object, \dots) ## S3 method for class 'dvi': dvips(object, file, \dots) ## S3 method for class 'latex': show(object) # or show.dvi(object) or just object dvigv(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'latex': dvigv(object, \dots) # or gvdvi(dvi(object)) ## S3 method for class 'dvi': dvigv(object, \ldots)


For latex, any S object. For dvi or dvigv, an object created by latex. For latexTranslate is a vector of character strings to translate.
any object to be printed verbatim for latexVerbatim. For latexSN x is a numeric vector.
name of file to create without the .tex extension.
name of the file to create. The default file name is x.tex where x is the first word in the name of the argument for x. Set file="" to have the generated LaTeX code just printed to standard output. Thi
defaults to FALSE. Set to TRUE to append output to an existing file.
a text string representing a symbolic label for the table for referencing in the LaTeX \label and \ref commands. label is only used if caption is given.
If x has row dimnames, rowlabel is a character string containing the column heading for the row dimnames. The default is the name of the argument for x.
If x has row dimnames, specifies the justification for printing them. Possible values are "l", "r", "c". The heading (rowlabel) itself is left justified if rowlabel.just="l", ot
a vector of character strings defining major column headings. The default is to have none.
a vector containing the number of columns for which each element in cgroup is a heading. For example, specify cgroup=c("Major 1","Major 2"), n.cgroup=c(3,3) if "Major 1" is to span columns 1-3 and "Major 2"
a vector of character strings containing headings for row groups. n.rgroup must be present when rgroup is given. The first n.rgroup[1] rows are sectioned off and rgroup[1] is used as a bold heading for t
integer vector giving the number of rows in each grouping. If rgroup is not specified, n.rgroup is just used to divide off blocks of rows by horizontal lines. If rgroup is given but n.rgroup is omitted,
A character string specifying a LaTeX command to be used to format column group labels. The default, "bfseries", sets the current font to 'bold'. It is possible to supply a vector of strings so that each column group label is formatted differently. Plea