INLAMSM (version 0.2-3)

inla.MCAR.transform: Transform hyperparameters in multivarite spatial models.


Multivariate spatial models fit will report hyperparameters in the internal scale. These functions will transform the hyperparameters to a different scale. Using this function requires setting control.compute = list(config = TRUE) when fitting the model with INLA.


inla.MCAR.transform(obj, k, model = "IMCAR", alpha.min, alpha.max)



An 'inla' object with an MCAR, IMCAR or M-model latent effect.


Number of variables in the multivariate model.


Either "INDIMCAR", "INDPMCAR", "IMCAR" or "PMCAR". Not used for M-models.


Lower bound of the autocorrelation parameter alpha.


Upper bound of the autocorrelation parameter alpha.


This function returns a list with the following elements:

  • marginals.hyperpar List with the posterior marginals of transformed hyperparameters.

  • summary.hyperpar Summary of the posterior marginals.

  • VAR.p Variance matrix of between-variables variability computed using point estimates from the posterior marginals.

  • VAR.m Posterior mean of variance matrix of the between-variables variability. This is computed using the internal representation of the posterior joint distribution of the hyperparameters.

  • confs Configurations of the hyperparameters used to compute VAR.m. This is obtained from obj$misc$configs$config.

  • M.p M matrix (only in the M-model) obtained using point estimates of the parameters.

  • M.m M matrix (only in the M-model) obtained using the the internal representation of the posterior joint distribution of the hyperparameters.


Palm<U+00ED>-Perales F, G<U+00F3>mez-Rubio V, Martinez-Beneito MA (2021). <U+201C>Bayesian Multivariate Spatial Models for Lattice Data with INLA.<U+201D> _Journal of Statistical Software_, *98*(2), 1-29. doi: 10.18637/jss.v098.i02 (URL: