## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## A. Extract a mask of assembly gaps ("AGAPS" mask) with read.agpMask()
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## Note: The hs_b36v3_chrY.agp file was obtained by downloading,
## extracting and renaming the hs_ref_chrY.agp.gz file from
## ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/genomes/H_sapiens/Assembled_chromosomes/
## hs_ref_chrY.agp.gz 5 KB 24/03/08 04:33:00 PM
## on May 9, 2008.
chrY_length <- 57772954
file1 <- system.file("extdata", "hs_b36v3_chrY.agp", package="IRanges")
mask1 <- read.agpMask(file1, seqname="chrY", mask.width=chrY_length,
mask11 <- read.agpMask(file1, seqname="chrY", mask.width=chrY_length,
gap.types=c("centromere", "heterochromatin"))
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## B. Extract a mask of assembly gaps ("AGAPS" mask) with read.liftMask()
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## Note: The hg18liftAll.lft file was obtained by downloading,
## extracting and renaming the liftAll.zip file from
## http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg18/bigZips/
## liftAll.zip 03-Feb-2006 11:35 5.5K
## on May 8, 2008.
file2 <- system.file("extdata", "hg18liftAll.lft", package="IRanges")
mask2 <- read.liftMask(file2, seqname="chr1")
if (interactive()) {
## contigs 7 and 8 for chrY are adjacent
read.liftMask(file2, seqname="chrY")
## displays the sequence names found in the file
## specify an unknown sequence name
read.liftMask(file2, seqname="chrZ", mask.width=300)
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## C. Extract a RepeatMasker ("RM") or Tandem Repeats Finder ("TRF")
## mask with read.rmMask() or read.trfMask()
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## Note: The ce2chrM.fa.out and ce2chrM.bed files were obtained by
## downloading, extracting and renaming the chromOut.zip and
## chromTrf.zip files from
## http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/ce2/bigZips/
## chromOut.zip 21-Apr-2004 09:05 2.6M
## chromTrf.zip 21-Apr-2004 09:07 182K
## on May 7, 2008.
## Before you can extract a mask with read.rmMask() or read.trfMask(), you
## need to know the length of the sequence that you're going to put the
## mask on:
if (interactive()) {
chrM_length <- seqlengths(Celegans)[["chrM"]]
## Read the RepeatMasker .out file for chrM in ce2:
file3 <- system.file("extdata", "ce2chrM.fa.out", package="IRanges")
RMmask <- read.rmMask(file3, seqname="chrM", mask.width=chrM_length)
## Read the Tandem Repeats Finder .bed file for chrM in ce2:
file4 <- system.file("extdata", "ce2chrM.bed", package="IRanges")
TRFmask <- read.trfMask(file4, seqname="chrM", mask.width=chrM_length)
desc(TRFmask) <- paste(desc(TRFmask), "[period<=12]")
## Put the 2 masks on chrM:
chrM <- Celegans$chrM
masks(chrM) <- RMmask # this would drop all current masks, if any
masks(chrM) <- append(masks(chrM), TRFmask)
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