LAGOSNE (version 2.0.3)

lagos_load_oliver_2015: Load depth data from Oliver et al. 2015.


Load depth data from Oliver et al. 2015.


lagos_load_oliver_2015(fpath = NA)


A data frame with 50607 observations of 8 variables:

  • lagoslakeid: unique identifier for each lake in LAGOS-NE. For each row of data in this table, the lagoslakeid identifies the focal lake for which other measures are calculated

  • nhdid: the 'Permanent_identifier' from the NHD, but is called the NHDID in LAGOS-NE

  • hu4id: the unique ID of the HU4 zone that the focal lake is located within

  • lat_decimal: lattitude geographic coordinate in decimal degrees

  • long_decimal: longitude geographic coordinate in decimal degrees

  • area: lake area in hectares

  • zmaxobs: observed maximum lake depth (meters)

  • zmaxpredict: predicted maximum lake depth (meters)



file.path optionally specify custom location of csv data file


Oliver SK, Soranno PA, Fergus EC, Wagner T, Webster KE, Scott C, Winslow LA, Downing JA, Stanley EH. 2015. LAGOS - Predicted and observed maximum depth values for lakes in a 17-state region of the U.S. Long Term Ecological Research Network. doi:10.6073/pasta/f00a245fd9461529b8cd9d992d7e3a2f


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