LipidMS (version 1.0.0)

idSphPneg: Sphingoid bases phosphate (SphP) annotation for ESI-


SphP identification based on fragmentation patterns for LC-MS/MS AIF data acquired in negative mode.


idSphPneg(MS1, MSMS1, MSMS2, ppm_precursor = 5, ppm_products = 10,
  rttol = 3, rt, adducts = c("M-H"), clfrags = c(78.9585, 96.9691,
  "sphP_M-H-H2O"), clrequired = c(F, F, F), ftype = c("F", "F", "BB"),
  coelCutoff = 0.8, dbs)



list with two data frames cointaining all peaks from the full MS function ("peaklist" data frame) and the raw MS scans data ("rawScans" data frame). They must have four columns: m.z, RT (in seconds), int (intensity) and peakID (link between both data frames). "rawScans" data frame also needs a extra column named "Scan", which indicates the scan order number. Output of dataProcessing function. In case no coelution score needs to be applied, this argument can be just the peaklist data frame.


list with two data frames cointaining all peaks from the high energy function ("peaklist" data frame) and the raw MS scans data ("rawScans" data frame). They must have four columns: m.z, RT (in seconds), int (intensity) and peakID (link between both data frames). "rawScans" data frame also needs a extra column named "Scan", which indicates the scan order number. Output of dataProcessing function. In case no coelution score needs to be applied, this argument can be just the peaklist data frame.


list with two data frames cointaining all peaks from a second high energy function ("peaklist" data frame) and the raw MS scans data ("rawScans" data frame). They must have four columns: m.z, RT (in seconds), int (intensity) and peakID (link between both data frames). "rawScans" data frame also needs a extra column named "Scan", which indicates the scan order number. Output of dataProcessing function. In case no coelution score needs to be applied, this argument can be just the peaklist data frame. Optional.


mass tolerance for precursor ions. By default, 5 ppm.


mass tolerance for product ions. By default, 10 ppm.


total rt window for coelution between precursor and product ions. By default, 3 seconds.


rt range where the function will look for candidates. By default, it will search within all RT range in MS1.


expected adducts for SphP in ESI-. Adducts allowed can be modified in adductsTable (dbs argument).


vector containing the expected fragments for a given lipid class. See checkClass for details.


logical vector indicating if each class fragment is required or not. If any of them is required, at least one of them must be present within the coeluting fragments. See checkClass for details.


character vector indicating the type of fragments in clfrags. It can be: "F" (fragment), "NL" (neutral loss) or "BB" (building block). See checkClass for details.


coelution score threshold between parent and fragment ions. Only applied if rawData info is supplied. By default, 0.8.


list of data bases required for annotation. By default, dbs contains the required data frames based on the default fragmentation rules. If these rules are modified, dbs may need to be supplied. See createLipidDB and assignDB.


list with SphP annotations (results) and some additional information (class fragments and chain fragments).


idSphpos function involves 2 steps. 1) FullMS-based identification of candidate SphP as M-H. 2) Search of SphP class fragments: 78.9585, 96.969 or neutral loss of 1 H2O molecule.

Results data frame shows: ID, class of lipid, CDB (total number of carbons and double bounds), FA composition (specific chains composition if it has been confirmed), mz, RT (in seconds), I (intensity, which comes directly from de input), Adducts, ppm (m.z error), confidenceLevel (in this case, as SphP only have one chain, only Subclass and FA level are possible) and PFCS (parent-fragment coelution score mean of all fragments used for the identification).


Run this code
idSphPneg(MS1 = LipidMS::MS1_neg, MSMS1 = LipidMS:MSMS1_neg,
MSMS2 = LipidMS::MSMS2_neg)
# }
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab