Function to calculate the fast ratio of quartz CW-OSL single grain or single aliquot curves after Durcan & Duller (2011).
stimulation.power = 30.6,
wavelength = 470,
sigmaF = 2.6e-17,
sigmaM = 4.28e-18,
Ch_L1 = 1,
Ch_L2 = NULL,
Ch_L3 = NULL,
x = 1,
x2 = 0.1,
dead.channels = c(0, 0),
fitCW.sigma = FALSE,
fitCW.curve = FALSE,
plot = TRUE,
Returns a plot (optional) and an S4 object of type RLum.Results.
The slot data
contains a list with the following elements:
data.frame summary of all relevant results
the original input data
RLum.Results object if either fitCW.sigma
or fitCW.curve
list of used arguments
the function call
RLum.Analysis, RLum.Data.Curve or data.frame (required): x, y data of measured values (time and counts).
numeric (with default): Stimulation power in mW/cm^2
numeric (with default): Stimulation wavelength in nm
numeric (with default): Photoionisation cross-section (cm^2) of the fast component. Default value after Durcan & Duller (2011).
numeric (with default): Photoionisation cross-section (cm^2) of the medium component. Default value after Durcan & Duller (2011).
numeric (with default): An integer specifying the channel for L1.
numeric (optional): An integer specifying the channel for L2.
numeric (optional):
A vector of length 2 with integer values specifying the start and end channels for L3
(e.g., c(40, 50)
numeric (with default): \ Used to define the location of L2 and L3 (start).
numeric (with default): \ Used to define the location of L3 (end).
numeric (with default):
Vector of length 2 in the form of c(x, y)
Channels that do not contain OSL data, i.e. at the start or end of measurement.
logical (optional):
fit CW-OSL curve using fit_CWCurve to calculate sigmaF
and sigmaM
logical (optional): fit CW-OSL curve using fit_CWCurve and derive the counts of L2 and L3 from the fitted OSL curve (experimental).
logical (with default):
plot output (TRUE
available options: verbose
Further arguments passed to fit_CWCurve.
King, G.E., Durcan, J., Burow, C., 2022. calc_FastRatio(): Calculate the Fast Ratio for CW-OSL curves. Function version 0.1.1. In: Kreutzer, S., Burow, C., Dietze, M., Fuchs, M.C., Schmidt, C., Fischer, M., Friedrich, J., Mercier, N., Philippe, A., Riedesel, S., Autzen, M., Mittelstrass, D., Gray, H.J., Galharret, J., 2022. Luminescence: Comprehensive Luminescence Dating Data Analysis. R package version 0.9.20.
Georgina E. King, University of Bern (Switzerland)
Julie A. Durcan, University of Oxford (United Kingdom)
Christoph Burow, University of Cologne (Germany)
, RLum Developer Team
This function follows the equations of Durcan & Duller (2011). The energy
required to reduce the fast and medium quartz OSL components to x
and end). The fast ratio is then calculated from: \((L1-L3)/(L2-L3)\).
Durcan, J.A. & Duller, G.A.T., 2011. The fast ratio: A rapid measure for testing the dominance of the fast component in the initial OSL signal from quartz. Radiation Measurements 46, 1065-1072.
Madsen, A.T., Duller, G.A.T., Donnelly, J.P., Roberts, H.M. & Wintle, A.G., 2009. A chronology of hurricane landfalls at Little Sippewissett Marsh, Massachusetts, USA, using optical dating. Geomorphology 109, 36-45.
Further reading
Steffen, D., Preusser, F. & Schlunegger, 2009. OSL quartz age underestimation due to unstable signal components. Quaternary Geochronology 4, 353-362.
fit_CWCurve, get_RLum, RLum.Analysis, RLum.Results, RLum.Data.Curve
# load example CW-OSL curve
# calculate the fast ratio w/o further adjustments
res <- calc_FastRatio(ExampleData.CW_OSL_Curve)
# show the summary table
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab