MASS (version 7.3-40)

stormer: The Stormer Viscometer Data


The stormer viscometer measures the viscosity of a fluid by measuring the time taken for an inner cylinder in the mechanism to perform a fixed number of revolutions in response to an actuating weight. The viscometer is calibrated by measuring the time taken with varying weights while the mechanism is suspended in fluids of accurately known viscosity. The data comes from such a calibration, and theoretical considerations suggest a nonlinear relationship between time, weight and viscosity, of the form Time = (B1*Viscosity)/(Weight - B2) + E where B1 and B2 are unknown parameters to be estimated, and E is error.





E. J. Williams (1959) Regression Analysis. Wiley.


Venables, W. N. and Ripley, B. D. (2002) Modern Applied Statistics with S. Fourth edition. Springer.