MBESS (version 4.9.3)

ss.aipe.sem.path: Sample size planning for SEM targeted effects


Plan sample size for structural equation models so that the confidence intervals for the model parameters of interest are sufficiently narrow


ss.aipe.sem.path(model, Sigma, desired.width, which.path, 
conf.level = 0.95, assurance = NULL, ...)



the names of the model parameters


the index of the model parameter of interest


the necessary sample size calculated


the names of the observed variables


the population variance of the model parameter of interest at the calculated sample size



an RAM (reticular action model; e.g., McArdle & McDonald, 1984) specification of a structural equation model, and should be of class mod. The model is specified in the same manner as the sem package; see sem and specify.model for detailed documentation about model specifications in the RAM notation.


estimated population covariance matrix of the manifest variables


desired confidence interval width for the model parameter of interest


the name of the model parameter of interest, presented in double quotation marks


confidence level (i.e., 1- Type I error rate)


the assurance that the confidence interval obtained in a particular study will be no wider than desired (must be NULL or a value between 0.50 and 1)


allows one to potentially include parameter values for inner functions


Keke Lai (University of California--Merced)


This function implements the sample size planning methods proposed in Lai and Kelley (2010). It depends on the function sem in the sem package to calculate the expected information matrix, and uses the same notation to specify SEM models as does sem. Please refer to sem for more detailed documentations about model specification, the RAM notation, and model fitting techniques. For technical discussion on how to obtain the model implied covariance matrix in the RAM notation given model parameters, see McArdle and McDonald (1984).


Fox, J. (2006). Structural equation modeling with the sem package in R. Structural Equation Modeling, 13, 465--486.

Lai, K., & Kelley, K. (in press). Accuracy in parameter estimation for targeted effects in structural equation modeling: Sample size planning for narrow confidence intervals. Psychological Methods.

McArdle, J. J., & McDonald, R. P. (1984). Some algebraic properties of the reticular action model. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 37, 234--251.

See Also

sem; specify.model; theta.2.Sigma.theta; ss.aipe.sem.path.sensitiv