Matrix (version 1.2-8)

dMatrix-class: (Virtual) Class "dMatrix" of "double" Matrices


The dMatrix class is a virtual class contained by all actual classes of numeric matrices in the Matrix package. Similarly, all the actual classes of logical matrices inherit from the lMatrix class.



Common to all matrix object in the package:


There are (relatively simple) group methods (see, e.g., Arith)
The following methods are also defined for all double matrices:
The following methods are defined for all logical matrices:

See Also

The nonzero-pattern matrix class nMatrix, which can be used to store non-NA logical matrices even more compactly.

The numeric matrix classes dgeMatrix, dgCMatrix, and Matrix.

drop0(x, tol=1e-10) is sometimes preferable to (and more efficient than) zapsmall(x, digits=10).


Run this code

 round(Matrix(rnorm(28), 4,7), 2)
 M <- Matrix(rlnorm(56, sd=10), 4,14)
 (M. <- zapsmall(M))
 table(as.logical(M. == 0))

Run the code above in your browser using DataCamp Workspace