Matrix (version 1.2-8)

nsyMatrix-class: Symmetric Dense Nonzero-Pattern Matrices


The "nsyMatrix" class is the class of symmetric, dense nonzero-pattern matrices in non-packed storage and "nspMatrix" is the class of of these in packed storage. Only the upper triangle or the lower triangle is stored.


Objects from the Class

Objects can be created by calls of the form new("nsyMatrix", ...).



"nsyMatrix" extends class "ngeMatrix", directly, whereas "nspMatrix" extends class "ndenseMatrix", directly. Both extend class "symmetricMatrix", directly, and class "Matrix" and others, indirectly, use showClass("nsyMatrix"), e.g., for details.


Currently, mainly t() and coercion methods (for as(.); use, e.g., showMethods(class="dsyMatrix") for details.

See Also

ngeMatrix, Matrix, t


Run this code
(s0 <- new("nsyMatrix"))

(M2 <- Matrix(c(TRUE, NA,FALSE,FALSE), 2,2)) # logical dense (ltr)
(sM <- M2 & t(M2))      # "lge"
class(sM <- as(sM, "nMatrix")) # -> "nge"
     (sM <- as(sM, "nsyMatrix")) # -> "nsy"
str ( sM <- as(sM, "nspMatrix")) # -> "nsp": packed symmetric

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