MedSurvey (version 1.0)

chisq.BRR: To adjust model fit statistics


This function is used to adjust model fit statistics for complex surveys with balanced repeated replications (Oberski, 2014; Satorra & Muthen, 1995) .


chisq.BRR(model,, data, mwgtname, repwgtnames,
  fayfactor = 0.5, estimator = c("ML"), test = c("satorra.bentler"))



The model being fitted. It is written in lavaan model syntax (Rosseel, 2012).

The model fit results using 'ML' estimator with sample main weights, but without adjusting the fit statistics or standard errors for complex surveys. Note that it is a lavaan object.


The raw data including the variables of interest and the survey weights. It should be a dataset or dataframe.


The variable name indicating the sample main weight in the dataset. See balanced repeated replications method (Wolter, 2007) for more information about the main weight.


The variable names indicating the set of replicate weights in the dataset. See balanced repeated replications method (Wolter, 2007) for more information about the replicate weight.


The fayfactor used in the standard error calculation by fay's method (Fay & Train, 1995; Judkins, 1990) for balanced repeated replications. Fayfactor is a value between 0 and 1. The default is 0.5.


The method used to estimate the model. 'ML' is the default option and the only available option for current version. It is not required.


The method used to generate adjusted standard errors. 'satorra.bentler' is the default option and the only available option for current version. It is not required.


The model fit results as a lavaan object (Rosseel, 2012) with the adjusted model fit statistics.


Fay, R. E., & Train, G. F. (1995). Aspects of survey and model-based postcensal estimation of income and poverty characteristics for states and counties. In Proceedings of the Section on Government Statistics, American Statistical Association, Alexandria, VA (pp. 154-159).

Judkins, D. R. (1990). Fay<U+2019>s method for variance estimation.Journal of Official Statistics,6(3), 223-239.

Oberski, D. (2014). lavaan. survey: An R package for complex survey analysis of structural equation models. Journal of Statistical Software, 57(1), 1-27. DOI:10.18637/jss.v057.i01

Rosseel, Y. (2012). Lavaan: An R package for structural equation modeling and more. Version 0.5<U+2013>12 (BETA). Journal of statistical software, 48(2), 1-36. DOI:10.18637/jss.v048.i02

Satorra, A., & Muthen, B. (1995). Complex sample data in structural equation modeling. Sociological methodology, 25(1), 267-316.

Wolter, K. (2007). Introduction to variance estimation. New York, NY: Springer.


Run this code
R <- 160
wgtnames <- paste("repwgt", seq(0,R,by=1), sep="")

############ Example 1
model1 <- ' # outcome
             numcg ~ u2*1 + c*workban + b*sp_adltban
           # mediator
             sp_adltban ~ u1*1 + a*workban
           # indirect effect (a*b)
             ab := a*b
           # total effect
             total := c + (a*b)
fit <- lavaan::sem(model=model1, data=MedData, estimator='ML', test='standard')
chisq.BRR(model1,fit,MedData,mwgtname, repwgtnames)
# lavaan 0.6-3 ended normally after 24 iterations
# Optimization method                           NLMINB
# Number of free parameters                          7
# Number of observations                          3922
# Estimator                                         ML      Robust
# Model Fit Test Statistic                       0.000       0.000
# Degrees of freedom                                 0           0
# Scaling correction factor                                     NA
# for the Satorra-Bentler correction#'

############ Example 2

model3 <- ' # outcome
            numcg ~ u0*1 + c*workban + b1*sp_adltban + b2*sp_kidsban
           # mediator
              sp_adltban ~ u1*1 + a1*workban
              sp_kidsban ~ u2*1 + a2*workban
           # indirect effect (a*b)
              a1b1 := a1*b1
             a2b2 := a2*b2
           # total effect
             total := c + (a1*b1) + (a2*b2)

fit <- lavaan::sem(model=model3, data=MedData, estimator='ML', test='standard')
chisq.BRR(model3,fit,MedData,mwgtname, repwgtnames)

#       MedSurvey 1.0
# lavaan 0.6-3 ended normally after 27 iterations
# Optimization method                           NLMINB
# Number of free parameters                         11
# Number of observations                          3922
# Estimator                                         ML      Robust
# Model Fit Test Statistic                     305.248      70.973
# Degrees of freedom                                 1           1
# P-value (Chi-square)                           0.000       0.000
# Scaling correction factor                                  4.301
# for the Satorra-Bentler correction

# }
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataCamp Workspace