Momocs (version 1.4.1)

combine: Combine several objects


Combine Coo objects after a slicing, either manual or using slice or chop. Note that on Coo object, it combines row-wise (ie, merges shapes as a c would do) ; but on Coe it combines column-wise (merges coefficients). In the latter case, Coe must have the same number of shapes (not necessarily the same number of coefficients). Also the $fac of the first Coe is retrieved. A separate version may come at some point.




a Momocs object of same class



a list of Out(Coe), Opn(Coe), Ldk objects (but of the same class)

See Also

Other handling functions: arrange(), at_least(), chop(), dissolve(), fac_dispatcher(), filter(), mutate(), rename(), rescale(), rm_harm(), rm_missing(), rm_uncomplete(), rw_fac(), sample_frac(), sample_n(), select(), slice(), subsetize()


Run this code
w <- filter(bot, type=="whisky")
b <- filter(bot, type=="beer")
combine(w, b)
# or, if you have many levels
bot_s <- chop(bot, ~type)
# note that you can apply something (single function or a more
# complex pipe) then combine everyone, since combine also works on lists
# eg:
# bot_s2 <- efourier(bot_s, 10) # equivalent to lapply(bot_s, efourier, 10)
# bot_sf <- combine(bot_s2)

# pipe style
efourier(bot_s, 10) %>% combine()

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