OncoSimulR (version 2.2.2)

oncoSimulIndiv: Simulate tumor progression for one or more individuals, optionally returning just a sample in time.


Simulate tumor progression including possible restrictions in the order of driver mutations. Optionally add passenger mutations. Simulation is done using the BNB algorithm of Mather et al., 2012.


oncoSimulIndiv(fp, model = "Exp", numPassengers = 0, mu = 1e-6,
                detectionSize = 1e8, detectionDrivers = 4,
                sampleEvery = ifelse(model %in% c("Bozic", "Exp"), 1,
                initSize = 500, s = 0.1, sh = -1,
                K = initSize/(exp(1) - 1), keepEvery = sampleEvery,
                minDetectDrvCloneSz = "auto",
                extraTime = 0,
                finalTime = 0.25 * 25 * 365, onlyCancer = TRUE,
                keepPhylog = FALSE,
                mutationPropGrowth = ifelse(model == "Bozic",
                                                       FALSE, TRUE),
                max.memory = 2000, max.wall.time = 200,
                max.num.tries = 500,
                errorHitWallTime = TRUE,
                errorHitMaxTries = TRUE,
                verbosity = 0,
                initMutant = NULL,
                seed = NULL)

oncoSimulPop(Nindiv, fp, model = "Exp", numPassengers = 0, mu = 1e-6, detectionSize = 1e8, detectionDrivers = 4, sampleEvery = ifelse(model %in% c("Bozic", "Exp"), 1, 0.025), initSize = 500, s = 0.1, sh = -1, K = initSize/(exp(1) - 1), keepEvery = sampleEvery, minDetectDrvCloneSz = "auto", extraTime = 0, finalTime = 0.25 * 25 * 365, onlyCancer = TRUE, keepPhylog = FALSE, mutationPropGrowth = ifelse(model == "Bozic", FALSE, TRUE), max.memory = 2000, max.wall.time = 200, max.num.tries = 500, errorHitWallTime = TRUE, errorHitMaxTries = TRUE, initMutant = NULL, verbosity = 0, mc.cores = detectCores(), seed = "auto")

oncoSimulSample(Nindiv, fp, model = "Exp", numPassengers = 0, mu = 1e-6, detectionSize = round(runif(Nindiv, 1e5, 1e8)),

detectionDrivers = { if(inherits(fp, "fitnessEffects")) { if(length(fp$drv)) { nd <- (2: round(0.75 * length(fp$drv))) } else { nd <- 9e6 } } else { nd <- (2 : round(0.75 * max(fp))) } if (length(nd) == 1) nd <- c(nd, nd) sample(nd, Nindiv, replace = TRUE) }, sampleEvery = ifelse(model %in% c("Bozic", "Exp"), 1, 0.025), initSize = 500, s = 0.1, sh = -1, K = initSize/(exp(1) - 1), minDetectDrvCloneSz = "auto", extraTime = 0, finalTime = 0.25 * 25 * 365, onlyCancer = TRUE, keepPhylog = FALSE, mutationPropGrowth = ifelse(model == "Bozic", FALSE, TRUE), max.memory = 2000, max.wall.time.total = 600, max.num.tries.total = 500 * Nindiv, typeSample = "whole", thresholdWhole = 0.5, initMutant = NULL, verbosity = 1, seed = "auto")


Number of individuals or number of different trajectories to simulate.
Either a poset that specifies the order restrictions (see poset if you want to use the specification as in v.1. Otherwise, a fitnessEffects object (see allFitnessEffects).

Other arguments below (s, sh, numPassengers) make sense only if you use a poset, as they are included in the fitnessEffects object.

One of "Bozic", "Exp", "McFarlandLog" (the last one can be abbreviated to "McFL"). The default is "Exp".
This has no effect if you use the allFitnessEffects specification. If you use the specification of v.1., the number of passenger genes. Note that using v.1 the total number of genes (drivers plus passengers) must be smaller than 64. All driver genes should be included in the poset (even if they depend on no one and no one depends on them), and will be numbered from 1 to the total number of driver genes. Thus, passenger genes will be numbered from (number of driver genes + 1):(number of drivers + number of passengers).
Mutation rate. See also mutationPropGrowth.
What is the minimal number of cells for cancer to be detected. For oncoSimulSample this can be a vector.
The minimal number of drivers (not modules, drivers, whether or not they are from the same module) present in any clone for cancer to be detected. For oncoSimulSample this can be a vector.

For oncoSimulSample, if there are drivers (either because you are using a v.1 object or because you are using a fitnessEffects object with a drvNames component ---see allFitnessEffects---) the default is a vector of drivers from a uniform between 2 and 0.75 the total number of drivers. If there are no drivers (because you are using a fitnessEffects object without a drvNames, either because you specified it explicitly or because all of the genes are in the noIntGenes component) the simulations should not stop based on the number of drivers (and, thus, the default is set to 9e6).

How often the whole population is sampled. This is not the same as the interval between successive samples that are kept or stored (for that, see keepEvery).

For very fast growing clones, you might need to have a small value here to minimize possible numerical problems (such as huge increase in population size between two successive samples that can then lead to problems for random number generators). Likewise, for models with density dependence (such as McF) this value should be very small.

Initial population size.
Selection coefficient for drivers. Only relevant if using a poset as this is included in the fitnessEffects object.
Selection coefficient for drivers with restrictions not satisfied. A value of 0 means there are no penalties for a driver appearing in a clone when its restrictions are not satisfied.

To specify "sh=Inf" (in Diaz-Uriarte, 2014) use sh = -1.

Only relevant if using a poset as this is included in the fitnessEffects object.

Initial population equilibrium size in the McFarland models.
Time interval between successive whole population samples that are actually stored. This must be larger or equal to sampleEvery. If keepEvery is not a multiple integer of sampleEvery, the keepEvery in use will be the smallest multiple integer of keepEvery larger than the specified keepEvery.

If you want nice plots, set sampleEvery and keepEvery to small values (say, 1 or 0.5). Otherwise, you can use a sampleEvery of 1 but a keepEvery of 15, so that the return objects are not huge.

A value of 0 or larger than 0 (by default equal to initSize in the McFarland model). If larger than 0, when checking if we are done with a simulation, we verify that the sum of the population sizes of all clones that have a number of mutated drivers larger or equal to detectionDrivers is larger or equal to this minDetectDrvCloneSz.

The reason for this parameter is to ensure that, say, a clone with a certain number of drivers that would cause the simulation to end has not just appeared and is present in only one individual that might then immediately go extinct. This can be relevant in secenarios such as the McFarland model.

See also extraTime.

A value larger than zero waits those many additional time periods before exiting after having reached the exit condition (population size, number of drivers).

The reason for this setting is to prevent the McFL models from always exiting at a time when one clone is increasing its size quickly (see minDetectDrvCloneSz). By setting an extraTime larger than 0, we can sample at points when we are at the plateau.

What is the maximum number of time units that the simulation can run.
Return only simulations that reach cancer?

If set to TRUE, only simulations that satisfy the detectionDrivers or the detectionSize requirements will be returned: the simulation will be repeated, within the limits set by max.num.tries and max.wall.time (and, for oncoSimulSample also max.num.tries.total and max.wall.time.total), until one which meets the detectionDrivers or detectionSize is obtained. Otherwise, the simulation is returned regardless of final population size or number of drivers in any clone and this includes simulations where the population goes extinct.

If TRUE, keep track of when and from which clone each clone is created. See also plotClonePhylog.
If TRUE, make mutation rate proportional to growth rate, so clones that grow faster also mutate faster. Thus, $mutation_rate = mu * birth_rate$. This is a simple way of approximating that mutation happens at cell division (it is not strictly making mutation happen at cell division, since mutation is not strictly coupled with division). Of course, this only makes sense in models where birth rate changes.
For v.2, a string with the mutations of the initial mutant, if any. This is the same format as for evalGenotype. For v.1, the single mutation of the initial clone for the simulations. The default (if you pass nothing) is to start the simulation from the wildtype genotype with nothing mutated.
Only applies when onlyCancer = TRUE. What is the maximum number of times, for an individual simulation, we can repeat the simulation for it to reach cancer? There are certain parameter settings where reaching cancer is extremely unlikely and you might not want to run forever in those cases.
Only applies when onlyCancer = TRUE and for oncoSimulSample. What is the maximum number of times, over all simulations for all individuals in a population sample, that we can repeat the simulations so that cancer is reached for all individuals? The idea is to set a limit on the average minimal probability of reaching cancer for a set of simulations to be accepted.
Maximum wall time for each individual simulation run. If the simulation is not done in this time, it is aborted.
Maximum wall time for all the simulations (when using oncoSimulSample), in seconds. If the simulation is not completed in this time, it is aborted. To prevent problems from a single individual simulation going wild, this limit is also enforced per simulation (so the run can be aborted directly from C++).
If TRUE (the default) a simulation that reaches the maximum number of repetitions allowed is considered not to have succesfully finished and, thus, an error, and no output from it will be reported. This is often what you want. See Details.
If TRUE (the default) a simulation that reaches the maximum wall time is considered not to have succesfully finished and, thus, an error, and no output from it will be reported. This is often what you want. See Details.
The largest size (in MB) of the matrix of Populations by Time. If it creating it would use more than this amount of memory, it is not created. This prevents you from accidentally passing parameters that will return an enormous object.
If 0, run as silently as possible. Otherwise, increasing values of verbosity provide progressively more information about intermediate steps, possible numerical notes/warnings from the C++ code, etc.
"singleCell" (or "single") for single cell sampling, where the probability of sampling a cell (a clone) is directly proportional to its population size. "wholeTumor" (or "whole") for whole tumor sampling (i.e., this is similar to a biopsy being the entire tumor). See samplePop.
In whole tumor sampling, whether a gene is detected as mutated depends on thresholdWhole: a gene is considered mutated if it is altered in at least thresholdWhole proportion of the cells in that individual. See samplePop.
Number of cores to use when simulating more than one individual (i.e., when calling oncoSimulPop).
The seed for the C++ PRNG. You can pass a value. If you set it to NULL, then a seed will be generated in R and passed to C++. If you set it to "auto", then if you are using v.1, the behavior is the same as if you set it to NULL (a seed will be generated in R and passed to C++) but if you are using v.2, a random seed will be produced in C++. If you need reproducibility, either pass a value or set it to NULL (setting it to NULL will make the C++ seed reproducible if you use the same seed in R via set.seed). However, even using the same value of seed is unlikely to give the exact same results between platforms and compilers. Moreover, note that the defaults for seed are not the same in oncoSimulIndiv, oncoSimulPop and oncoSimulSample.

When using oncoSimulPop, if you want reproducibility, you might want to, in addition to setting seed = NULL, also do RNGkind("L'Ecuyer-CMRG") as we use mclapply; look at the vignette of parallel.


  • For oncoSimulIndiv a list, of class "oncosimul", with the following components:
  • pops.by.timeA matrix of the population sizes of the clones, with clones in columns and time in row. Not all clones are shown here, only those that were present in at least on of the keepEvery samples.
  • NumClonesTotal number of clones in the above matrix. This is not the total number of distinct clones that have appeared over all simulations (which is likely to be larger or much larger).
  • TotalPopSizeTotal population size at the end.
  • GenotypesA matrix of genotypes. For each of the clones in the pops.by.time matrix, its genotype, with a 0 if the gene is not mutated and a 1 if it is mutated.
  • MaxNumDriversThe largest number of mutated driver genes ever seen in the simulation in any clone.
  • MaxDriversLastThe largest number of mutated drivers in any clone at the end of the simulation.
  • NumDriversLargestPopThe number of mutated driver genes in the clone with largest population size.
  • LargestClonePopulation size of the clone with largest number of population size.
  • PropLargestPopLastRatio of LargestClone/TotalPopSize
  • FinalTimeThe time (in time units) at the end of the simulation.
  • NumIterThe number of iterations of the BNB algorithm.
  • HittedWallTimeTRUE if we reached the limit of max.wall.time. FALSE otherwise.
  • TotalPresentDriversThe total number of mutated driver genes, whether or not in the same clone. The number of elements in OccurringDrivers, below.
  • CountByDriverA vector of length number of drivers, with the count of the number of clones that have that driver mutated.
  • OccurringDriversThe actual number of drivers mutated.
  • PerSampleStatsA 5 column matrix with a row for each sampling period. The columns are: total population size, population size of the largest clone, the ratio of the two, the largest number of drivers in any clone, and the number of drivers in the clone with the largest population size.
  • otherA list that contains statistics for an estimate of the simulation error when using the McFarland model as well as other statistics. For the McFarland model, the relevant value is errorMF, which is -99 unless in the McFarland model. For the McFarland model it is the largest difference of successive death rates. The entries names minDMratio and minBMratio are the smallest ratio, over all simulations, of death rate to mutation rate or birth rate to mutation rate. The BNB algorithm thrives when those are large.
  • For oncoSimulPop a list of length Nindiv, and of class "oncosimulpop", where each element of the list is itself a list, of class oncosimul, with components as described above.

    In v.2, the output is of both class "oncosimul" and "oncosimul2". The oncoSimulIndiv return object differs in

  • GenotypesWDistinctOrderEffA list of vectors, where each vector corresponds to a genotype in the Genotypes, showing (where it matters) the order of mutations. Each vector shows the genotypes, with the numeric codes, showing explicitly the order when it matters. So if you have genes 1, 2, 7 for which order relationships are given, and genes 3, 4, 5, 6 for which other interactions exist, any mutations in 1, 2, 7 are shown first, and in the order they occurred, before showing the rest of the mutations. See details.
  • GenotypesLabelsThe genotypes, as character vectors with the original labels provided (i.e., not the integer codes). As before, mutated genes, for those where order matters, come first, and are separated by the rest by a "_". See details.
  • OccurringDriversThis is the same as in v.1, but we use the labels, not the numeric id codes. Of course, if you entered integers as labels for the genes, you will see numbers (however, as a character string).


The basic simulation algorithm implemented is the BNB one of Mather et al., 2012, where I have added modifications to fitness based on the restrictions in the order of mutations.

Full details about the algorithm are provided in Mather et al., 2012. The evolutionary models, including references, and the rest of the parameters are explained in Diaz-Uriarte, 2014, especially in the Supplementary Material. The model called "Bozic" is based on Bozic et al., 2010, and the model called "McFarland" in McFarland et al., 2013.

oncoSimulPop simply calls oncoSimulIndiv multiple times. When run on POSIX systems, it can use multiple cores (via mclapply).

The summary methods for these classes return some of the return values (see next) as a one-row (for class oncosimul) or multiple row (for class oncosimulpop) data frame. The print methods for these classes simply print the summary.

Changing options errorHitMaxTries and errorHitWallTime can be useful when conducting many simulations, as in the call to oncoSimulPop: setting them to TRUE means nothing is recorded for those simulations where ending conditions are not reached but setting them to FALSE would allow you to record the output; this would potentially result in a mixture where some simulations would not have reached the ending condition, but this might sometimes be what you want. Note, however, that oncoSimulSample always has both them to TRUE, as it could not be otherwise.

GenotypesWDistinctOrderEff provides the information about order effects that is missing from Genotypes. When there are order effects, the Genotypes matrix can contain genotypes that are not distinguishable. Suppose there are two genes, the first and the second. In the Genotype output you can get two columns where there is a 1 in both genes: those two columns correspond to the two possible orders (first gene mutated first, or first gene mutated after the second). GenotypesWDistinctOrderEff disambiguates this. The same is done by GenotypesLabels; this is easier to decode for a human (a string of gene labels) but a little bit harder to parse automatically. Note that when you use the default print method for this object, you get, among others, a two-column display with the GenotypeLabels information. When order matters, a genotype shown as ``x > y _ z'' means that a mutation in ``x'' happened before a mutation in ``y''; there is also a mutation in ``z'' (which could have happened before or after either of ``x'' or ``y''), but ``z'' is a gene for which order does not matter. When order does not matter, a comma "," separates the identifiers of mutated genes.


Bozic, I., et al., (2010). Accumulation of driver and passenger mutations during tumor progression. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America/, 107, 18545--18550. Diaz-Uriarte, R. (2015). Identifying restrictions in the order of accumulation of mutations during tumor progression: effects of passengers, evolutionary models, and sampling http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2105/16/41/abstract

Gerstung et al., 2011. The Temporal Order of Genetic and Pathway Alterations in Tumorigenesis. PLoS ONE, 6. McFarland, C.~D. et al. (2013). Impact of deleterious passenger mutations on cancer progression. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America/, 110(8), 2910--5.

Mather, W.~H., Hasty, J., and Tsimring, L.~S. (2012). Fast stochastic algorithm for simulating evolutionary population dynamics. Bioinformatics (Oxford, England)/, 28(9), 1230--1238.

See Also

plot.oncosimul, examplePosets, samplePop, allFitnessEffects


Run this code
##### Examples using v.1

## use poset p701
p701 <- examplePosets[["p701"]]

## Exp Model

b1 <- oncoSimulIndiv(p701)

plot(b1, addtot = TRUE)

## McFarland; use a small sampleEvery, but also a reasonable
##   keepEvery.
## We also modify mutation rate to values similar to those in the
##   original paper.
## Note that detectionSize will play no role
## finalTime is large, since this is a slower process
## initSize is set to 4000 so the default K is larger and we are likely
## to reach cancer. Alternatively, set K = 2000.

m1 <- oncoSimulIndiv(p701,
                     model = "McFL",
                     mu = 5e-7,
                     initSize = 4000,
                     sampleEvery = 0.025,
                     finalTime = 15000,
                     keepEvery = 10,
                     onlyCancer = FALSE)
plot(m1, addtot = TRUE, log = "")

## Simulating 4 individual trajectories
## (I set mc.cores = 2 to comply with --as-cran checks, but you
##  should either use a reasonable number for your hardware or
##  leave it at its default value).

p1 <- oncoSimulPop(4, p701,
                   keepEvery = 10,
                   mc.cores = 2)

p2 <- oncoSimulSample(4, p701)

###### Examples using v.2:

#### A model similar to the one in McFarland. We use 2070 genes.

nd <- 70  
np <- 2000 
s <- 0.1  
sp <- 1e-3 
spp <- -sp/(1 + sp)
mcf1 <- allFitnessEffects(noIntGenes = c(rep(s, nd), rep(spp, np)),
                          drv = seq.int(nd))
mcf1s <-  oncoSimulIndiv(mcf1,
                         model = "McFL", 
                         mu = 1e-7,
                         detectionSize = 1e8, 
                         detectionDrivers = 100,
                         sampleEvery = 0.02,
                         keepEvery = 2,
                         initSize = 2000,
                         finalTime = 1000,
                         onlyCancer = FALSE)
plot(mcf1s, addtot = TRUE, lwdClone = 0.6, log = "")

#### Order effects with modules, and 5 genes without interactions
#### with fitness effects from an exponential distribution

oi <- allFitnessEffects(orderEffects =
               c("F > D" = -0.3, "D > F" = 0.4),
               noIntGenes = rexp(5, 10),
                          geneToModule =
                              c("Root" = "Root",
                                "F" = "f1, f2, f3",
                                "D" = "d1, d2") )
oiI1 <- oncoSimulIndiv(oi, model = "Exp")
oiI1   ## note the order and separation by "_"

oiP1 <- oncoSimulPop(2, oi,
                     keepEvery = 10,
                     mc.cores = 2)

## Even if order exists, this cannot reflect it;
## G1 to G10 are d1, d2, f1..,f3, and the 5 genes without
## interaction

oiS1 <- oncoSimulSample(2, oi)

## The output contains only the summary of the runs AND
## the sample:

## And their sizes do differ

######## Using a poset for pancreatic cancer from Gerstung et al.
###      (s and sh are made up for the example; only the structure
###       and names come from Gerstung et al.)

pancr <- allFitnessEffects(data.frame(parent = c("Root", rep("KRAS", 4), "SMAD4", "CDNK2A", 
                                          "TP53", "TP53", "MLL3"),
                                      child = c("KRAS","SMAD4", "CDNK2A", 
                                          "TP53", "MLL3",
                                          rep("PXDN", 3), rep("TGFBR2", 2)),
                                      s = 0.05,
                                      sh = -0.3,
                                      typeDep = "MN"))

### Use an exponential growth model

pancr1 <- oncoSimulIndiv(pancr, model = "Exp")

## Pop and Sample
pancrPop <- oncoSimulPop(4, pancr,
                        keepEvery = 10,
                       mc.cores = 2)
pancrSPop <- samplePop(pancrPop)

pancrSamp <- oncoSimulSample(2, pancr)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab