OncoSimulR (version 2.2.2)

samplePop: Obtain a sample from a population of simulations.


Obtain a sample (a matrix of individuals/samples by genes or, equivalently, a vector of "genotypes") from an oncosimulpop object (i.e., a simulation of multiple individuals) or a single oncosimul object. Sampling schemes include whole tumor and single cell sampling, and sampling at the end of the tumor progression or during the progression of the disease.


samplePop(x, timeSample = "last", typeSample = "whole",
          thresholdWhole = 0.5, geneNames = NULL)


An object of class oncosimulpop.
"last" means to sample each individual in the very last time period of the simulation. "unif" (or "uniform") means sampling each individual at a time choosen uniformly from all the times recorded in the simulation between the time when the first driver appeared and the final time period. "unif" means that it is almost sure that different individuals will be sampled at different times. "last" does not guarantee that different individuals will be sampled at the same time unit, only that all will be sampled in the last time unit of their simulation.
"singleCell" (or "single") for single cell sampling, where the probability of sampling a cell (a clone) is directly proportional to its population size. "wholeTumor" (or "whole") for whole tumor sampling (i.e., this is similar to a biopsy being the entire tumor).
In whole tumor sampling, whether a gene is detected as mutated depends on thresholdWhole: a gene is considered mutated if it is altered in at least thresholdWhole proportion of the cells in that individual.
An optional vector of gene names so as to label the column names of the output.


  • A matrix. Each row is a "sample genotype", where 0 denotes no alteration and 1 alteration. When using v.2, columns are named with the gene names.

    We quote "sample genotype" because when not using single cell, a row (a sample genotype) need not be, of course, any really existing genotype in a population as we are genotyping a whole tumor. Suppose there are really two genotypes present in the population, genotype A, which has gene A mutated and genotype B, which has gene B mutated. Genotype A has a frequency of 60% (so B's frequency is 40%). If you use whole tumor sampling with thresholdWhole = 0.4 you will obtain a genotype with A and B mutated.


samplePop simply repeats the sampling process in each individual of the oncosimulpop object.

Please see oncoSimulSample for a much more efficient way of sampling when you are sure what you want to sample.

Note that if you have set onlyCancer = FALSE in the call to oncoSimulSample, you can end up trying to sample from simulations where the population size is 0. In this case, you will get a vector/matrix of NAs and a warning.

Similarly, when using timeSample = "last" you might end up with a vector of 0 (not NAs) because you are sampling from a population that contains no clones with mutated genes. This event (sampling from a population that contains no clones with mutated genes), by construction, cannot happen when timeSample = "unif" as "uniform" sampling is taken here to mean sampling at a time choosen uniformly from all the times recorded in the simulation between the time when the first driver appeared and the final time period. However, you might still get a vector of 0, with uniform sampling, if you sample from a population that contains only a few cells with any mutated genes, and most cells with no mutated genes.


Diaz-Uriarte, R. (2015). Identifying restrictions in the order of accumulation of mutations during tumor progression: effects of passengers, evolutionary models, and sampling http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2105/16/41/abstract

See Also

oncoSimulPop, oncoSimulSample


Run this code
p705 <- examplePosets[["p705"]]

## (I set mc.cores = 2 to comply with --as-cran checks, but you
##  should either use a reasonable number for your hardware or
##  leave it at its default value).

p1 <- oncoSimulPop(4, p705, mc.cores = 2)

## Now single cell sampling

r1 <- oncoSimulIndiv(p705)
samplePop(r1, typeSample = "single")

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab