PBSmapping (version 2.73.4)

appendPolys: Append a Two-Column Matrix to a PolySet


Append a two-column matrix to a PolySet, assigning PID and possibly SID values automatically or as specified in its arguments.


appendPolys (polys, mat, PID = NULL, SID = NULL, isHole = FALSE)


PolySet containing mat appended to polys. The function retains attributes from polys.



existing PolySet; if NULL, creates a new PolySet (required).


two-column matrix to append (required).


new polygon's PID.


new polygon's SID.


Boolean value; if TRUE, mat represents a hole.


Nicholas M. Boers, Staff Software Engineer
Jobber, Edmonton AB
Last modified Rd: 2013-04-10


If the PID argument is NULL, the appended polygon's PID will be one greater than the maximum within polys (if defined); otherwise, it will be 1.

If polys contains an SID column and the SID argument equals NULL, this function uses the next available SID for the corresponding PID.

If polys does not contain an SID column and the caller passes an SID argument, all existing polygons will receive an SID of 1. The new polygon's SID will match the SID argument.

If isHole = TRUE, the polygon's POS values will appropriately represent a hole (reverse order of POS).

If (PID, SID) already exists in the PolySet, the function will issue a warning and duplicate those identifiers.

See Also

addPolys, clipPolys, closePolys, convLP, fixBound, fixPOS, joinPolys, plotMap, plotPolys.


Run this code
  #--- create two simple matrices
  a <- matrix(data=c(0,0,1,0,1,1,0,1),ncol=2,byrow=TRUE);
  b <- matrix(data=c(2,2,3,2,3,3,2,3), ncol=2,byrow=TRUE);
  #--- build a PolySet from them
  polys <- appendPolys(NULL, a);
  polys <- appendPolys(polys, b);
  #--- print the result
  print (polys);

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab