PBSmodelling (version 2.69.3)

loadC: Launch a GUI for Compiling and Loading C Code


A GUI interface allows users to edit, compile, and embed C functions in the R environment.





Anisa Egeli, Vancouver Island University, Nanaimo BC


The function loadC() launches an interactive GUI that can be used to manage the construction of C functions intended to be called from R. The GUI provides tools to edit, compile, load, and run C functions in the R environment.

The loadC GUI also includes a tool for comparison between the running times and return values of R and C functions. It is assumed that the R and C functions are named prefix.r and prefix.c, respectively, where prefix can be any user-chosen prefix. If an initialization function prefix.init exists, it is called before the start of the comparison.

The GUI controls:

File PrefixPrefix for .c and .r files.
Lib PrefixPrefix for shared library object.
Set WDSet the working directory.
Open LogOpen the log file.
Open.c FileOpen the file prefix.c from the working directory.
Open .r FileOpen the file prefix.r from the working directory.
COMPILECompile prefix.c into a shared library object.
LOADLoad the shared library object.
SOURCE RSource the file prefix.r.
UNLOADUnload the shared library object.
EditorText editor to use.
UpdateCommit option changes.
BrowseBrowse for a text editor.
Clean Options
Select AllSelect all check boxes specifying file types.
Select NoneSelect none of the check boxes.
Clean ProjClean the project of selected file types.
Clean AllClean the directory of selected file types.
Times to RunNumber of times to run the R and C functions.
RUNRun the comparison between R and C functions.
R TimeComputing time to run the R function multiple times.
C TimeComputing time to run the C function multiple times.
RatioRatio of R/C run times.

See Also
