PCMBase (version 1.2.10)

PCMLikTrace: Tracing the log-likelihood calculation of a model over each node of the tree


This is an S3 generic function providing tracing information for the likelihood calculation for a given tree, data and model parameters. Useful for illustration or for debugging purpose.


PCMLikTrace(X, tree, model, SE = matrix(0, PCMNumTraits(model),
  PCMTreeNumTips(tree)), metaI = PCMInfo(X = X, tree = tree, model =
  model, SE = SE, verbose = verbose), log = TRUE, verbose = FALSE)



a k x N numerical matrix with possible NA and NaN entries. Each column of X contains the measured trait values for one species (tip in tree). Missing values can be either not-available (NA) or not existing (NaN). These two values have are treated differently when calculating likelihoods: see PCMPresentCoordinates.


a phylo object with N tips.


an S3 object specifying both, the model type (class, e.g. "OU") as well as the concrete model parameter values at which the likelihood is to be calculated (see also Details).


a k x N matrix specifying the standard error for each measurement in X. Alternatively, a k x k x N cube specifying an upper triangular k x k factor of the variance covariance matrix for the measurement error for each node i=1, ..., N. Default: matrix(0.0, PCMNumTraits(model), PCMTreeNumTips(tree)).


a list returned from a call to PCMInfo(X, tree, model, SE), containing meta-data such as N, M and k. Alternatively, this can be a function object that returns such a list, e.g. the functionPCMInfo or the function PCMInfoCpp from the PCMBaseCpp package.


logical indicating whether a log-likelehood should be calculated. Default is TRUE.


logical indicating if some debug-messages should printed.


The returned object will, in general, depend on the type of model and the algorithm used for likelihood calculation. For a G_LInv model and pruning-wise likelihood calculation, the returned object will be a data.table with columns corresponding to the node-state variables, e.g. the quadratic polynomial coefficients associated with each node in the tree.

See Also

PCMInfo PCMAbCdEf PCMLmr PCMSim PCMCond PCMParseErrorMessage