PCMBase (version 1.2.10)

PCMVar: Expected variance-covariance matrix for each couple of tips (i,j)


Expected variance-covariance matrix for each couple of tips (i,j)


PCMVar(tree, model, W0 = matrix(0, PCMNumTraits(model),
  PCMNumTraits(model)), SE = matrix(0, PCMNumTraits(model),
  PCMTreeNumTips(tree)), metaI = PCMInfo(NULL, tree, model, verbose =
  verbose), internal = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)



a phylo object with N tips.


an S3 object specifying both, the model type (class, e.g. "OU") as well as the concrete model parameter values at which the likelihood is to be calculated (see also Details).


a numeric matrix denoting the initial k x k variance covariance matrix at the root (default is the k x k zero matrix).


a k x N matrix specifying the standard error for each measurement in X. Alternatively, a k x k x N cube specifying an upper triangular k x k factor of the variance covariance matrix for the measurement error for each node i=1, ..., N. Default: matrix(0.0, PCMNumTraits(model), PCMTreeNumTips(tree)).


a list returned from a call to PCMInfo(X, tree, model, SE), containing meta-data such as N, M and k. Alternatively, this can be a function object that returns such a list, e.g. the functionPCMInfo or the function PCMInfoCpp from the PCMBaseCpp package.


a logical indicating if the per-node variance-covariances matrices for the internal nodes should be returned (see Value). Default FALSE.


logical indicating if some debug-messages should printed.


If internal is FALSE, a (k x N) x (k x N) matrix W, such that k x k block W[((i-1)*k)+(1:k), ((j-1)*k)+(1:k)] equals the expected covariance matrix between tips i and j. Otherwise, a list with an element 'W' as described above and a k x M matrix element 'Wii' containing the per-node variance covariance matrix for each node: The k x k block Wii[, (i-1)*k + (1:k)] represents the variance covariance matrix for node i.


Run this code
# a Brownian motion model with one regime
modelBM <- PCM(model = "BM", k = 2)
# print the model
# assign the model parameters at random: this will use uniform distribution
# with boundaries specified by PCMParamLowerLimit and PCMParamUpperLimit
# We do this in two steps:
# 1. First we generate a random vector. Note the length of the vector equals PCMParamCount(modelBM)
randomParams <- PCMParamRandomVecParams(modelBM, PCMNumTraits(modelBM), PCMNumRegimes(modelBM))
# 2. Then we load this random vector into the model.
PCMParamLoadOrStore(modelBM, randomParams, 0, PCMNumTraits(modelBM), PCMNumRegimes(modelBM), TRUE)

# create a random tree of 10 tips
tree <- ape::rtree(10)
covMat <- PCMVar(tree, modelBM)
# }

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