PWFSLSmoke (version 1.2.117)

PWFSLSmoke-deprecated: Deprecated functions in PWFSLSmoke


These functions are in the process of being removed from the PWFSLSmoke package, and may not appear in future versions. When available, alternative functions will be listed.


  slice = get("max"),
  breaks = AQI$breaks_24,
  colors = AQI$colors,
  width = 640,
  height = 640,
  centerLon = NULL,
  centerLat = NULL,
  zoom = NULL,
  maptype = "roadmap",
  grayscale = FALSE,
  map = NULL,

monitorEsriMap( ws_monitor, slice = get("max"), breaks = AQI$breaks_24, colors = AQI$colors, width = 640, height = 640, centerLon = NULL, centerLat = NULL, zoom = NULL, maptype = "roadmap", grayscale = FALSE, map = NULL, ... )

monitorPlot_timeOfDaySpaghetti( ws_monitor, monitorID = NULL, tlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, aqiLines = TRUE, shadedNight = TRUE, title = NULL, ... )

monitorDygraph( ws_monitor, title = "title", ylab = "PM2.5 Concentration", tlim = NULL, rollPeriod = 1, showLegend = TRUE )

monitor_esriMap( ws_monitor, slice = get("max"), breaks = AQI$breaks_24, colors = AQI$colors, width = 640, height = 640, centerLon = NULL, centerLat = NULL, zoom = NULL, maptype = "worldStreetMap", grayscale = FALSE, mapRaster = NULL, cex = par("cex") * 2, pch = 16, ... )

monitorLeaflet( ws_monitor, slice = get("max"), breaks = AQI$breaks_24, colors = AQI$colors, labels = AQI$names, legendTitle = "Max AQI Level", radius = 10, opacity = 0.7, maptype = "terrain", popupInfo = c("siteName", "monitorID", "elevation") )

monitorMap( ws_monitor, slice = get("max"), breaks = AQI$breaks_24, colors = AQI$colors, pch = par("pch"), cex = par("cex"), stateCol = "grey60", stateLwd = 2, countyCol = "grey70", countyLwd = 1, add = FALSE, ... )

monitorMap_performance( predicted, observed, threshold = AQI$breaks_24[3], cex = par("cex"), sizeBy = NULL, colorBy = "heidikeSkill", breaks = c(-Inf, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, Inf), paletteFunc = grDevices::colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(length(breaks), "Purples")[-1]), showLegend = TRUE, legendPos = "topright", stateCol = "grey60", stateLwd = 2, countyCol = "grey70", countyLwd = 1, add = FALSE, ... )

monitorPlot_dailyBarplot( ws_monitor, monitorID = NULL, tlim = NULL, minHours = 18, gridPos = "", gridCol = "black", gridLwd = 0.5, gridLty = "solid", labels_x_nudge = 0, labels_y_nudge = 0, ... )

monitorPlot_hourlyBarplot( ws_monitor, monitorID = NULL, tlim = NULL, localTime = TRUE, style = "AQI", shadedNight = TRUE, gridPos = "", gridCol = "black", gridLwd = 0.5, gridLty = "solid", labels_x_nudge = 0, labels_y_nudge = 0, dayCol = "black", dayLwd = 2, dayLty = "solid", hourCol = "black", hourLwd = 1, hourLty = "solid", hourInterval = 6, ... )

monitorPlot_noData(ws_monitor, monitorID = NULL, cex = 2.5)

monitorPlot_rollingMean( ws_monitor, monitorID = NULL, width = 3, align = "center", data.thresh = 75, tlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, localTime = TRUE, shadedNight = FALSE, aqiLines = TRUE, gridHorizontal = FALSE, grid24hr = FALSE, grid3hr = FALSE, showLegend = TRUE )

monitorPlot_timeseries( ws_monitor, monitorID = NULL, tlim = NULL, localTime = TRUE, style = NULL, shadedNight = FALSE, add = FALSE, gridPos = "", gridCol = "black", gridLwd = 1, gridLty = "solid", dayLwd = 0, hourLwd = 0, hourInterval = 6, ... )



Deprecations fall into the following categories:

  • Silent: These functions immediately call another function without any warning to the user.

  • Soft: These functions throw a warning when called, then call the correct function, if available.

  • Hard: These functions will throw an error when called, stopping execution. If an alternative function exists, it will be listed.