R.devices (version 2.17.2)

DevEvalFileProduct: The DevEvalFileProduct class


Package: R.devices
Class DevEvalFileProduct


Directly known subclasses:

public class DevEvalFileProduct
extends DevEvalProduct

A DevEvalFileProduct is a DevEvalProduct referring to a image file created by devEval().


DevEvalFileProduct(filename=NULL, path=NULL, ...)


filename, path

The filename and the optional path of the image file product.


Additional arguments passed to DevEvalProduct.


The following (virtual; calculate on-the-fly) fields are available:

  • pathname: the (relative) pathname of the image file, e.g. 'figures/foo,a,b.png'. This can be used to link to image files in for instance HTML and Markdown documents.

  • path, the (relative) path to the image file, e.g. 'figures/'

  • filename: the filename ("basename") of the image file, e.g. 'foo,a,b.png'

  • fullname: the fullname (the filename without the filename extension), e.g. 'foo,a,b'. It is recommended to use this when including images in LaTeX documents that use the \usepackage{graphicx} package.

  • name: the part of the fullname before the first comma, e.g. 'foo'

  • tags: the part of the fullname after the first comma, e.g. 'a,b'

  • dataURI: the Base64-encoded Data URI representation of the image, e.g. '...'. This can be used to include ("inlining") image files in for instance self-contained HTML and Markdown documents.

  • data: the character content of the image file. This can be used to include ("inlining") WebGL HTML-based image files in for instance self-contained HTML and Markdown documents.


Henrik Bengtsson

See Also

In order to retrieve the Data URI, the base64enc package must be installed.