R.oo (version 1.0.3)

BasicObject: A root class like Object but without references


R.oo Class BasicObject public class BasicObject




The core value of the object.

Fields and Methods

Methods: rll{ $ Makes the fields and methods of an BasicObject accessable via the $ and the [[ operator. $<- Makes the fields and methods of an BasicObject assignable via the $<- and the [[<- operator. [[ - [[<- - as.character Gets a character string representing the object. attach Attach an BasicObject to the Rsearch path. detach Detach an BasicObject from the Rsearch path. equals Compares an object with another. extend Extends another class. getFields Returns the field names of an BasicObject. getInstanciationTime Gets the time when the object was instanciated. hasField Checks if a field exists or not. hashCode Gets a hash code for the object. isReferable Checks if the object is referable or not. objectSize Gets the size of the BasicObject in bytes. print Prints an BasicObject. } Methods inherited from logical: as.data.frame